Dosing Iron Vsshrimps


Fish Crazy
Aug 12, 2011
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I want to restart dosing iron in my tank. My problem is a couple of months ago i've added Amano shrimps to my tank and i just fell in love with them.
So i've read somewhere that copper kills shrimp. And because i wanted to restart adding iron i did some search if it would affect the shrimp or not.
At this point i'm more confused because some people say its safe,some say its deadly. I would like to add iron but not at the expense of the shrimps.

Can someone with experience with shrimps and dosing iron help me?

Many thanks
Slightly curios why your looking at adding iron to your tank in the first place??
Helps with the red plants as far as i know. Used it before and it worked but i did not have shrimps at the time.
A lot of people keep shrimp in planted aquaria and a lot of people dose various ferts and such for the plants including iron the question would probably be better put as to what level does iron become toxic to shrimp and I do not know the answer either but my recommendation although sending you elsewhere would be to go to a planted tank forum and ask there as they would have more than likely more experience in a very advanced question.
My opinion and I must stress that it is only my opinion but dosing iron in normal quantities as per manufacturers guidelines would be safe as lots already do it as said before, I think it will depend on your levels at the minute and the amount you will be adding.

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