*Dosing a Tank??*


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Dec 19, 2004
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Can someone explain the proper process to dose. I mean does anyone have a a schedule of how to properly dose? I tried to stick with basic reef corals etc. The easy stuff. I have used some Kent products like Coral-Accel, and Essential Elements. This is my set-up:
I have a 55gal. 260Watt CoralLife Power Compact, 3 1W Lunar Lights, Live sand 4in DSB, 75lbs. Live Rock, 2 Cinnamon Clownfish, Firefish, Magenta Dottyback, snails, crabs, Feather Duster, Sabae Purple Tipped Anenome, 1 White Leather Coral, Red Sun polyp, assorted polyps, 2 Assorted Color Plate Corals, Pipe Organ, Frogspawn, Fox Coral, Flat Brain, Finger Leather, Mushrooms, Green Star Polyps, 2 8" Maxima Clams, Wet/Dry filter, Protein Skimmer, Heater, I have the Liquid Plankton and also frozen plankton and brine shrimp for food. I have heard alot about dosing but am scared to do it. Can someone explain the proper way to do it to not mess up? Is Kent Marine the best way to go? I understand you need to test for Alk and Copper. I just think that if I start dosing that I will lost some great corals. From what I have maybe someone can suggest something easier instead of dosing? Thanks alot. Mike
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Seriously, if you're having a problem or some of your tests, like for calcium, are coming back low, then it's worth it to start dosing. If you're not having a problem and everything's testing out then it's not worth it to get started. You could risk dosing too much of something and once you get started dosing, you get the reef accustomed to those supplements and you're pretty much stuck dosing for good.

I don't dose anything in my little tank. If I were having a problem (like with my hair algae), then I'd find a fix for that specific problem but other than that I'm leaving well enough alone.
no, you dont need to test for coper, you will know when its there... copper is deadly to most interts. therefore if you had copper you would probably be losing livestock.

I agree, if your tank is doing great (corals are thriving, fish are ok, ect.) then its fine. but with x2 8'' clams the chances are your calcium is low if you dont dose any. IMO I would top off with kalk. and start checking your alk. and your calcium regularly (once a week)
Top off with Kalkwasser? Can you explain to me what I need and how to do it? Is there a way to do this w/o dosing? I have seen other supplies especially from Kent Marine and CoralLife Liquid Gold. I was just wondering if there was a way w/o dosing. Thanks
So from what you are saying from my understanding when the water evaporates (I know it evaporates when my tank adds air from the wet/dry) I usually put freshwater with a lil salt in it and add it to my wet/dry filter which then goes back to normal. So what you are saying is that the KW should be added to that water? It is only about a gallon of water a week maybe it depends. I thought it just gets dosed into the Wet/Dry filter. I would probably buy the Kent Marine aquadose. It is a small unit and it seemes secure. I just don't feel safe with a DIY but thanks b/c that was very interesting. I am just trying to understand if this water goes directly into the WD or the water that I use to replenish the evaporated water? Does it does 24/7? I understand I would need a test kit to test for ALK and Ca. My questions are how set the drip so that it is correct and I can't OD also what if is OD Do I just do water changes? I have read the KW powder in a store and it says how it maintains the PH level and ALK so why test for it? Also the Ca. if it is regulated correctly there shouldn't be a problem in OD correct? Thanks Mike
I was talking to The Owner at my LPS that has been in the business for over 30 years and I asked him about dosing. He showed me his setup and explained how to do it let me know what you think about this concept. First he siad it doesn't matter the size of tank you have, Second it is a big dosing tank that he has but said that it should be set at 1 drop every 3 seconds into the sump in the Wet/Dry filter. He said doesn't matter size tank but that is the right speed to do it. He only doses Kalkwasser. He said by that set up you cannot OD once it is set it is like set it and forget it. I asked him about testing Ca. and Alk. he said you don't have to b/c it will be fine and you can't ruin your tank with this process. What does everyone think about this?? Thanks
I dose caalcium strontium Molybdium, coral-vite and iodine once a week half a teaspoon. And my corals love it you can tell. A lot of people say that if you can't test it then don't dose it but I let the corals talk and there telling me to dose if they start to close up then don't dose I just let my corals tell me what they want.
Are you talking about the 3 things in the KENT Reef starter kit? How long have you been doing this? No problems with water levels etc. deaths? Do you test anything?
So from what you are saying from my understanding when the water evaporates (I know it evaporates when my tank adds air from the wet/dry) I usually put freshwater with a lil salt in it and add it to my wet/dry filter which then goes back to normal

You should never top off with salty water. Only pure H20 evaporates and if you put more slat water in you will be slowly increasing the salt concentration of your tank. Only top off with pure RO/DI water.
They are every thing in the reef starter kit plus Coral-vite. Have not seen any deaths with my corals while using actually a couple hours after I put them in I see tham open up even more and extend there polyps even farther. only things I test for is Calcium and iodine. but like i said i let my corals speak and tell me what they want.
No not if you get happy see you have to remember when your dosing it may not seem like much that your putting in but in the wild those trace elements don't take much. You see some one saidthere may not be much in the water but it plays a vital role in the health of the corals and inverts. including shrimps shrimps need proper iodine levels just to molt properly.
I haven't used the Kent starter kit yet but my calcium is at 400 which is perfect.
True but once you get a lot of inverts and liverock your system starts to suck up calcium this is why a lot of guys use kalkwasser or a very high end salt specially made with extra doses of calcium. such as reef crystals. the reccomended level on calcium is 400-450 in the the calcium is at 413 but I like to keep mine at 425-450 because I think it helps coraline.

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