Dorminator maculatus


Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
Bought this guy a few weeks ago from a store that had it in in FW where it was looking stressed and unwell, imagine my suprise when it started eating algea off the back glass of the tank!! Finally the equivilent of a plec for brackish water :hyper:


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wow quite a nice looking fishy, kind of looks like a goby.

you should try altering the brightness and contract efore uploading :D

lovely mono in the background aswell.
It is a type of goby :lol:

The pic looks ok on my screen, it all depends on the settings your using.
Hi CfC
Great fish i used to have a pair of these, sold to me as knight Gobies when i was very inexperienced :rolleyes:. We kept them in freshwater when they were younger but one got killed by a sucking loach the other is doing great with my now ex -boyfriend , he's keeping it in a 30 gallon brackish tank by itself now where its living up to the name of sleeper goby!! , mine never ate algae though you must have a weird one!! :p
wow the skills!...i mean i knew that all along!!

odd my screen brightest and contrast are on max, how does this look to you, as on mine it's clearer??? although a bit hazy.


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Very hazy, like the glass is filthy (which it isnt cos i just cleaned it lol)
I think the pic looks fine... If it's too dark for you on the highest brightness level, Paul, perhaps you should consider investing in a new monitor?
Anywho... using Photoshop's 'curves' option can clear up a pic wonderfully. Here's what I did by adjusting the curves and applying auto levels. ;)


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awsome fish CFC :flex:

aggresive at all?

cool fish CFC!! i love seeing your fish.
At my lfs, they call em jade gobies, and they feed em live food. they are stunted from being in a small tank so long, and they stay in the back corner of the tank all the time until they are fed. i think my LFS keeps them in freshwater though, the manager said that in brackish water, you just need the ph to be high, you dont need salt. i dont believe him, i know they should have salt. thats what you get from a chain pet store :/ .

the patern of the fish's scales look awsome CFC, do you know how big they should get?
Thats the same fish I just picked up at the lfs. I have posted a topic on it. Seems they are brackish. I am going to slowly convert his tank over...I cant believe they have kept him in freshwater. No wonder he has fungus. :no: Nice pic! They seem like great fish!

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