Don't want to boil my fishies...


Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Bergenfield, NJ, USA
Hi everyone:

My heater is a mystery to me.

I have an up and down arrow, but not a temperature mark.
The pilot light seems to go on whenever the water is already 80 degrees.
I keep on turning the knob down and the pilot light still goes on.
This afternoon, the temperature in the tank was 84 and the pilot light was on :eek:
I immediately took the heater out of the tank.

What is the problem here ?

I have a Supreme Heetmaster thermostatic heater.
10" tube for 12" tank. 75 watt - 100 watt (can it have both 75 and 100?).
That's what's on the box.

The simplist solution to your problem is to buy a temperature guage. They are inexpensive and there are lots to choose from. Remember even a brand new heater/stat can be faulty. If it keeps on giving erratic surges in temperature and you can confirm this by a guage then replace the faulty unit.
Hi Sylvia27 :)

Do you have your tank completely full of water? :dunno:

If the water level is low, it might be underneath the fill line on the heater. If this is the case, the thermostat will be reading the temperature of the air and not the water temperature. If this is what's happening, your heater will keep going on because it is trying to heat up the entire room, not just your aquarium. :X
My tank is not completely full.
Since I haven't been able to get my airpump to work, the only way to get some air in is to have the waterline a little under the level where the water comes out of the filtration system.

There is no level indicator on my thermometer, so it's not easy...

Hi Sylvia27 :)

That could well be the problem. Try filling it all the way up and see if the heater works more accurately. If not, then I would think about replacing it, if I were you. :nod:
I don't even USE my heater, unless it's winter time. Mine doesn't click on and off ... it doesn't have a temperature gauge or anything. So what I have to do is keep a close eye on the thermometer in the tank and make sure that if the tank starts getting warmer than it needs to be, unplug the heater.

With the aquarium light on during the day, and a hood on the tank, my aquarium water is stable at 82 degrees. This is with no heater plugged in, and air conditioner running in my house.

I'd suggest that if your heater isn't seeming to be working properly, just keep tabs on aquarium temperature with a thermometer that isn't part of the heater. There are affordable glass tube thermometers that have a suction cup that you can stick to the side of the tank.

Why can't you get your airpump to work??
Isn't my thermometer a submersible as well?
It's in the water.

Yesterday, I filled up my aquarium to the top to see if that would help.
But it still went on at 80 degrees and I can't turn it down anymore.
I unplugged my thermometer last night and everything was fine this morning. Nobody died...

So I think I'll get a new one. I really want something that I can control better.
I'm glad it doesn't seem that urgent though.

Thanks for your recommendations.

Hi Sylvia27 :)

Your heater is the hang on back kind, not a submersible. The difference is that the one you have is attached to the back of the tank and has the top always out of the water. With a submersible heater, the entire unit is sealed and even part of the electric cord is underwater.

Check out the link kitties1 gave you and you will see the difference. These heaters are a few dollars more than some of the hang on back heaters, but I have found that the prices vary and it is a good idea to shop around.

If there is any water inside your heater, or if the thermostat continues to malfunction, I suggest you replace it. Heaters are just one of those things that are not worth taking chances with.

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