dont make the same mistake I did


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham Alabama (ROLL TIDE!)
Sorry havent posted much, been real busy lately. But I do plan on being more frequent again. But enough of the jibber jabber.
A little history, I was going to make one more purchase of female CTs and and another male stud and be done for a while purcahsing bettas. Well I promised the wife i would not make another purcahse for a while since the holidays are around the corner. Anywho, I bought the 3 female CTs, a double tail mustard gas, and a CTM that is just plain sharp. Well i didnt quarentine them like I had in the past since i had bought from her many times before (not a member here, I purchase from Kelly also but these werent from her) Since she has excellent quality, and I was a little tired I didnt bother moving my last quarentine over to my main tank , and putting these in. No stupidly I put the females in the main tank thinking it would be ok. After the next AM I woke up to find 2 dead females I had just gotten. Ok it happens, and then the next day another gone with one of my MG I had bought from wuv. I am miffed but no signs of infection. now a week later only ones are living are the 5 females i had in other tanks. Only 4 females are alive in the tank but they arent long for the world. I am medicating and it is frustrating, but please people, dont get complacent. i lost 200 bucks worth of females (approx at 5-15 bucks a piece in 2 big tanks)

The only bright side to this is my males are alive, and i guess i get to purchase more females but that isnt what I wanted.
Rolln, I'm so sorry for your loss. It really sucks to lose so many in one fell swoop. :/ I hope you find some more you like soon.
sorry to hear of your losses :/

I've done this before but not with bettas and lost fish. I now always quarantine without exception for 2 weeks.

Lets hope at least your post is a warning to others and will stop them going through what you had to
rollntider said:
Sorry havent posted much, been real busy lately. But I do plan on being more frequent again. But enough of the jibber jabber.
A little history, I was going to make one more purchase of female CTs and and another male stud and be done for a while purcahsing bettas. Well I promised the wife i would not make another purcahse for a while since the holidays are around the corner. Anywho, I bought the 3 female CTs, a double tail mustard gas, and a CTM that is just plain sharp. Well i didnt quarentine them like I had in the past since i had bought from her many times before (not a member here, I purchase from Kelly also but these werent from her) Since she has excellent quality, and I was a little tired I didnt bother moving my last quarentine over to my main tank , and putting these in. No stupidly I put the females in the main tank thinking it would be ok. After the next AM I woke up to find 2 dead females I had just gotten. Ok it happens, and then the next day another gone with one of my MG I had bought from wuv. I am miffed but no signs of infection. now a week later only ones are living are the 5 females i had in other tanks. Only 4 females are alive in the tank but they arent long for the world. I am medicating and it is frustrating, but please people, dont get complacent. i lost 200 bucks worth of females (approx at 5-15 bucks a piece in 2 big tanks)

The only bright side to this is my males are alive, and i guess i get to purchase more females but that isnt what I wanted.
Im so so sorry rollntider, have you managed to work out wot the problem was yet other than knowing that something is deffinately up?

I had a similar experience to this, when i got sum new fish from a new store i had only brought supplies frm b4, and it wipped out abt 80% of my community tank, which lost me 2 female bettas along with other loverly community fish taht i had had for a few weeks.

I hope you manage to treat the remaining fish in time to save them, my fingers are crossed for you!
Thanks everyone, yeah my mistake and this isnt the first time this has happened either. Since i got back into the hobby in '96 this is the 3rd time this has bit me. Just laziness and complacency caused it on my part this time. I dont blame the seller because If I had done my part also I would have only lost the new ones. Yet another lesson learned and a costly one at that. :no: :*)
hmmmm,my gut reaction is to assume those bad,bad CT girls killed the newbies -_- I could be completely off though.

I'm sorry this happened Chris :( What a mess.

On a more positive note,I'm really glad to see you back around :thumbs:
I felt so badly when I heard about the misfortune. I offered my female, but he thinks she's ugly :( AND I got her from him! j/k... it wouldn't go with the line he's trying to spawn. So sad... :( I definitely know what it's like to lose a loved fish...

sry for your loss rolln, iv done the same thing with my guppys, didn't quarenteen the new fish and soon they were all sick. i got lucky thogh, it wasn't serious. very sy agiain, i hate loseing fish -_-
wuvmybetta said:
hmmmm,my gut reaction is to assume those bad,bad CT girls killed the newbies -_- I could be completely off though.

I'm sorry this happened Chris :( What a mess.

On a more positive note,I'm really glad to see you back around :thumbs:
the CTF's were still juveniles and kinda small. I only have about 4 or 5 females left, which is a lot really, but considering I had much more than that to begin with . I think the death toll was at 24 in 2 tanks.

Ok guys now here is where I need advise. 1 tank is empty and cleaned up and a hospital tank. My other tank is another story. I know the fish i recieved were diseased because the 2 tanks i put them in got wiped out. Every fish. except for the corys I had in one female tanke. I am scared to put the cories in another established tanks so I can clean this one. I only have one tank I can put them in really since i need to clean my 29. But fish all live in my other tanks. and the one I cleaned has two injured cories and i dont want them to get sick by putting the cories from the diseased tank. Some advice please. BTW the cories out of the diseased tank seem to be doing fine, and I have been doing water changes (20-50% daily since the deaths started)
I am perplexed why the cories survived, but happy they did, but still left scratching my head. :huh:

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