Dont know why my water is cloudy


New Member
Feb 12, 2004
Reaction score
San Francisco, California
I've had my tank for about four months now, and about half the time the water doesn't look clear. Its like a white haze of some sort. I don't think im overfeeding my fish, i feed them twice a day. What else can cause the water to be cloudy?
I have: 3 koi angels, 3 neon tetras, 3 rummy noses, 2 keyhole cichlids, 2 cory cats, and 1 algae eater. Also, my ph has been unstable lately. What should i do about these problems? I would really appreciate a little help.
What size of tank do you have and what filtration? Take a look at this may help you pinpoint the problem------>LINKAGE! :)
Good Luck :thumbs: :D

Do you have a test kit?
I suggest you test for nitrates and ammonia. It sounds as though you have a bacterial bloom. This can be caused by a number of reasons, but the main one is bad fish husbandry-Sorry.
No problem, you are probably right. i guess im learning through trial and error. i just tested the ammonia and it was ok but the nitrate level was very high.
I would also say its a bacterial bloom. a bit of carbon may help also.

ste :)
What I may suggest is that you could try and "polish" the water. What you need to do this is some fine filter floss as your medium in your filter as the final filteration before the water returns to the tank and some Accu-Clear. Follow the instructions!
Too much will harm your tankmates. What this stuff does s gathers up all the particulates suspended in the water, clumps it up to be disposed of by your filter.
It's a matter of "suck it and see" I'm afraid.

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