Dont Know What To Get


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2005
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Greece and USA (dual citizenship)
I have a 29 gallon aquarium and hopefully its going to be a heavily planted tank. I want some type of oddball for it, I espically want something larger and piscivorus. Ive considered exodons but I want something truly odd looking. What do you think?
African butterflyfish are my prime choice for cool, small oddballs. Also consider some of the less familiar killifish: Panchax playfairi is especially nice (it pretends to have dropsy) and will eat any small fish you throw at it.


I'd go with a rainbow wolf fish (Erythrinus species) or one of the smaller but not quite dwarf pike cichlids.
hmmm Ctenopoma acutirostre looks good. (spotted climbing perch) But someone told me that they hide under plants and stuff all day and the only activity the do is wait for food to drift by then they lunge at it. Are there any similar fish to this just more active and no leaf fish because an all livefood diet is almost impossible for me.
I've kept these fish, and they're very nice. They are hardy and long lived (I gave away one specimen a few months ago that was over ten years old!).

They are shy and retiring when kept in small aquaria and/or with aggressive tankmates. The more space they have, the more they swim about. But even so, they aren't as active as, say, jewel cichlids or kribensis which come from the same sort of places.

They definitely do not need a live food diet. My specimen has lived 10+ years on frozen bloodworms, and almost nothing else! They will eat small fish of course, but they don't need them and it probably isn't advisable anyway (risk of parasites).



hmmm Ctenopoma acutirostre looks good. (spotted climbing perch) But someone told me that they hide under plants and stuff all day and the only activity the do is wait for food to drift by then they lunge at it...
My Ctenopoma is about 2 yrs old now. He's king of my community tank. a 4 inch fish in a 4 ft tank. the biggest one in there.
Not shy at all. Quite placid most of the time, swimming around in the hope of ambushing an unsuspecting small fish.
As with most fish... add food and it's a different story.
Very active to eat as much as possible.
He's (She's ?) often the one challenging the cory's to scraps left over.

They are shy and retiring when kept in small aquaria and/or with aggressive tankmates. The more space they have, the more they swim about.


hmmm Ctenopoma acutirostre looks good. (spotted climbing perch) But someone told me that they hide under plants and stuff all day and the only activity the do is wait for food to drift by then they lunge at it...

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