Don't Cichlids Eat Snails?

Am I really going to have go out and buy a clown loach for my Cichlid tank?

Strange, cause when I have a snail problem, I simply move a coupla Convicts in there, and not a sign of a snail after a week....

Ya that's what they said at the LFS. Maybe they haven't got a taste for them yet, they're no older than about 8 months, but there's plenty there when they're ready!
It's an African Cichlid tank. I have many different species. I crushed one against the glass yesterday and as it fell one of my Hap. Moori grabbed it and ate it. Maybe if I crush a few of them they'll get a taste for them.
Generally africans will eat snails. Lab. cearulas are known to suck them out of their shell. I'm sure some others do to. I would think it'd be a matter of time.
Generally africans will eat snails. Lab. cearulas are known to suck them out of their shell. I'm sure some others do to. I would think it'd be a matter of time.

I kept l.caeruleus, p.acei, m.callainos, and p.crabro and used to toss malasian trumpet snails in as a treat, they never lasted more than 5 minutes. Strange that yours haven't developed a taste for them. You could try fasting them for a couple of days to give them the motivation to hunt for food. :good:
Generally africans will eat snails. Lab. cearulas are known to suck them out of their shell. I'm sure some others do to. I would think it'd be a matter of time.

I kept l.caeruleus, p.acei, m.callainos, and p.crabro and used to toss malasian trumpet snails in as a treat, they never lasted more than 5 minutes. Strange that yours haven't developed a taste for them. You could try fasting them for a couple of days to give them the motivation to hunt for food. :good:

I've got 4 acei, and several other species, true I guess they just haven't got a taste for them yet. Guess I'll just have to be patient. I actually tried some copper stuff that was supposed to kill them, I hated the thought of it but I gave it a try. Didn't work, just added some unwanted chemicals to a well establiched ecosystem :grr:

Maybe he has both, there isn't a forum channel for that.

Nope, just Africans. Sorry I didn't specify that. Don't be too hard on him JB, lol

I have a tanganikyan setup and they wont eat snails :(

The one in your pic? If that's a recent pic then they look pretty young as well.

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