Dojo with goldfish?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
I noticed PetSmart keeps dojos in with their fancies.

Any experience with keeping these two together? I was curious about getting one since I keep my tank a bit warmer. They seem nonaggressive and good diggers...I'm already used to the golds uprooting my plants so whats another shovel in the sand? (Figuratively speaking, of course...don't worry I use gravel! :rolleyes: )
a lot of people i know with gf keep dojos with them.
I have 3 dojos in with my fancies in my 77 gal. They get along just great!
Dojos are why I want to convert my tank to sand. I understand they like it better and will burrow all over it and keep it aerrated.

My LFS guy got sick of me coming in looking for them and finally took down my name and number and said he would call me and give me first dibs when he got some in. He thinks they may be seasonally available here.

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