Dojo loaches


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
I went to my fish store the other day and they had these gold dojo's that were just beautiful. They weren't all gold though they had brown on them too, kind of reminded me of paint horses -_- They were really big and active and I bought four. Brought them home and the first was dead in an hour. I fed and the other three ate well and they were just zipping all over the place in and out of the caves.

Next morning, number two is dead. Number three that night, and the last the following morning. They all acted normal and ate and them boom, dead :dunno:

I am quite familiar with acclimating and my other fish are fine as is the water.

Has anyone had any experiences like this? Also the color of them. I have been searching and searching and I cannot find a single loach that was colored that way :dunno:
I've seen that coloration before. Is it something like this? The second one?

patterned gold dojo

It's strange that they died like that. They are pretty hardy fish! Did you check your readings and everything? (nitrate, nitrite, ph,etc...) And what was your temp? They like cooler water. I keep mine at about 75 - 77f and that's at about the upper limits of what they like.

Sorry to hear about the deaths. It's heartbreaking to lose our babies.
I'm not sure why some people have trouble with loaches, :dunno: Since in general they are usually pretty healthy.
LoachLover said:
I'm not sure why some people have trouble with loaches, :dunno: Since in general they are usually pretty healthy.
Thanks for that sweet advice :sly: :rolleyes:

I called the store and they said every single spotted one died like that and that they've actually had problems with the patterned ones before :dunno: Guess it's a mystery -_-

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