Dojo Loaches


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2004
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I recently moved the fish I had in a 20 US gallon tank into a 55 US gallon tank (now my clown loaches can get nice and big --they're only 2.5 inches or so so far). I'm using up a lot of electricity, so I'd appreciate not having to heat the 20 gallon tank, which is now empty. But I'd also love to use the'd be a shame to waste a mature, cycled 20 gallon like that. So my thought was dojo loaches. They're cool water fish so I don't have to heat, and they can appreciate a fine gravel. I'd probably get 3 so they can be lively. My only question is if a 20 gallon can accomodate these fish. Unless the three of them can live their whole lives in that tank, I'm not really interested in getting them.
Thanks for any help you can give! :)
i very sure they can live their entire life in a five gallon tank i think you should add other fish then just dojos ohh and their favorite past time is trying to jump out of the tank
Dojos can get over a foot in length (reportedly up to 20 inches, but from what I've read, 12 is more average). I have 1 in a 25g that's only 5 inches, and he's growing like a bad weed. It would be awesome to see 3 together! They are awesome and funny and will readily eat out of your hand. Considering the size they reach, you'd probably have to limit the inhabitants to just those 3 and nothing else.

Hopefully someone who is more experienced can shed more light on this subject for you.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Sounds great! I didn't really want any more in the tank, so I think I'll go ahead with this! :D

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