Doing My Head In

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
hastings,east sussex
my male molly wont leave my female one alone 24/7 even though theres more females in the tank so i thought another male would sort things out but now the 2 males look like they are constantly fighting over the one female molly even though thers more females(i put the 2males in a breedingtrap to stop them killing each other and before i put the center seperation in the trap the 2 males wer fine im at my wits end and feel like throwing a grenade or cyinide tablet into the tankk to sort things out(that was a joke btw dont get green peace on to me lol)help

You need the balance to be the other way round really, 2/3 females to every male. Would your LFS swap the new male for a female or two?
o rite i had tht in the first place 1 m 3 f and the male didnt leave 1 female alone 24/7 she wernt gtn no peace at all and he never bothered with the 2 females ok thanks for your reply i guess ill change the new 1 for a fmale cheers
Is the female same colour as the male, as sometimes they go by colour.
Is the female same colour as the male, as sometimes they go by colour.

no the female tht is getting pestered 24/7 is a black one, from the original white male molly,today i got a marble male now the 2 males are what i can only describe as fighting no holds barred lol
Can you issolate the female.
So it hasn't made any difference, you will have to take them both back to the lfs,that's all i can think off, as if you get to many females you will be overun with fry.
ok thanks for that i will ask the lfs if i kan take them back but in the meantime can i put the most agresseve male in a bucket of tank water(summ m8 suggested that i could and this might make the male less agreesive ....................if so how long shall i keep him in the bucket for? thanks for all your help joe
Do you have a heater for the bucket.
Just switch tank lights out, they might go to sleep.

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