
Fish Addict
Sep 9, 2003
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Southampton, UK
Yay another trip to the lfs just bought 30" 25W lighting unit, tube and reflector for my 3' tank to go with the existing light, bag of floss, some course sponges and a box of the eheim substrate (white stones that claim to have 450 square litres of volume per spare meter), a connector for my new filter and some tubing.... how quick and easy it is spend £65.

Trouble is I want another lighting unit to replace the OLD 2" (diameter) tube, toying with the idea of buying a twin tube electric start system, as the most powerful 30" tube I've seen is 25W, and with the new one I've just bought I'll be able to get the tank up to 75W. Also the old tube that I've got is heating the tank up too much at the moment.

Damn forgot the air pump, *sighs* I think this hobby will backrupt me by the end of the year. :crazy:
Know the feeling Lithril....

I went to one LFS yesterday to get some peppermint shrimp for my marine tank. I know they would be about a tenner each so I expected to spend about £20. Ended up getting hermit crabs as well (£22.50), some mushroom rock (£24), some xenia rock (£30) and a few other sundries. All in all spent almost £110....... :crazy:

I'd probably spend less if I was addicted to illegal drugs..... :fun:

Cheers, Eddie
I really need some more water conditioner but I'm toying with the idea of ordering it off of the web with someone looking over my shoulder... maybe with their hand on the power button in case I get too keen... really interested in buying that double light unit but its about £30 plus bulbs and reflectors.... oh yeah and the air pump.... definatley need some more plants in there, havent even put the fish in yet (still cycling) ;)

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