Dog Treat Warning

Yikes! I've never given our dogs the things... like Angry_Platy said, they're just too artifical looking.
I bought Smiley one...threw it down on the floor , to which she proceeded to walk over and she looked at it, sniffed it, then looked up at me, like..."and just WTF am I supposed to do with this hard, non food scented, plastic stick?", then she walked off, in a rather miffed fashion :lol:.
While we're warning about dog chews - we had a whole lot of problems with those "indestructable" nylon bones that they sell as chews. Our Lab x Dalmation started coughing after she had one, we didn't associate this with the nylon bone, and eventually I threw it away cos it was all yuck (carpet fluff and such).

The next time she had one, the coughing started again, we took her to the vet this time because she had been doing it for a few hours and he told us these were terrible products, dogs, especially big dogs, shave splinters of nylon off them while chewing them and swallow them and they get stuck in their throats :( we felt like terrible parents.

So, no nylon bones for them either. They sell for around £6 a go for big ones, what a waste of money and a lousy product :(
Notes to self not to buy those treats, ever.

Thank you for that. Wow, that's just crazy though. Poor doggies :-(
We used to buy Greenies. The articles have been circulating through the dog showing and sports world. It is big news, because these are such popular treats. Those Bitz are so small!!!
We only feed raw marrow bones from the butcher. They don't splinter and since dogs can eat raw food they are GREAT! The dogs go nuts for them.
Honestly, no dog owner should totally close their mind to a product that GREATLY benefits dogs because of a very very tiny percentage of deaths. It's horrible that those dogs died, BUT, were they being supervised? No. They broke off large chunks or swallowed whole Greenies without notice.

Greenies are the #1 dog treat in the country... of course a handful of dogs will have complications with them, out of millions! How many dogs die of gulping kibble? Or a violent reaction to raw meat/bones? Or swallowing a large amount of rawhide? Or swallowing a chunk of Nylabone (as someone mentioned)? It depends on the dog's chewing and the owners supervision. Gonzo gets a Greenie every other night, he LOVES Greenies, and he's gotten them since he was less than 1 year old! ;) He is 4 1/2, and his teeth are sparkling white with absolutely no tartar or plaque or cracks.
Honestly, no dog owner should totally close their mind to a product that GREATLY benefits dogs because of a very very tiny percentage of deaths. It's horrible that those dogs died, BUT, were they being supervised? No. They broke off large chunks or swallowed whole Greenies without notice.

Greenies are the #1 dog treat in the country... of course a handful of dogs will have complications with them, out of millions! How many dogs die of gulping kibble? Or a violent reaction to raw meat/bones? Or swallowing a large amount of rawhide? Or swallowing a chunk of Nylabone (as someone mentioned)? It depends on the dog's chewing and the owners supervision. Gonzo gets a Greenie every other night, he LOVES Greenies, and he's gotten them since he was less than 1 year old! ;) He is 4 1/2, and his teeth are sparkling white with absolutely no tartar or plaque or cracks.

13 dogs have been recorded. That does not mean that ONLY 13 have died and it does not meen that all dogs will choke and die. Even more have died from rawhides. And some have died from Nylabones. That is why I do not feed these. They can get lodged in dogs' throats and they can choke. We got rawhides as a present and we gave them to out dogs. We supervised them. Delhi started gagging, because she bit off a huge piece. I got it out of her throat, but we only give raw bones now. I have never heard of dogs that choke or have reactions to raw marrow bones? Dogs might have the 'runs' the first time with raw. But, they get used to it. The bone on bone factor cleans teeth better than any man-made products. My dogs have no tartar or plaque or cracks either. Raw bones cannot be cracked and they can't choke on them. Some dogs like Greyhounds can't have raw food. There may be a few dogs who are allergic to raw food too. :no: I have heard of peoples dogs choking on Greenies and successfully removing them. But why risk it???
Thanks for the info on the greenies. The few times I have given them to my rat terriers (male 24lbs) (female 17lbs) they would sometimes vomit after eating them.

But they still seemed to enjoy them. Needless to say I stopped buying them. After reading this post I went downstairs and took the few remaining greenies and dumped them in the garbage.

Well, I can understand where Splashluff is coming from. I've seen quite a few 'dog toys' that shouldn't be used by dogs at all, and there are the classics that some people don't think of, like tennis balls and baseballs. I've known many a dog that pop tennis balls in half and will still play with the halves if you let them, as well as ripping off the fur on them and eating it. Skinning baseballs happens to. I think the main lesson in this is that dogs need supervision with things.
Well, I can understand where Splashluff is coming from. I've seen quite a few 'dog toys' that shouldn't be used by dogs at all, and there are the classics that some people don't think of, like tennis balls and baseballs. I've known many a dog that pop tennis balls in half and will still play with the halves if you let them, as well as ripping off the fur on them and eating it. Skinning baseballs happens to. I think the main lesson in this is that dogs need supervision with things.

:nod: I quess Miniature Schnauzer don't usually crack balls in half. :lol: But, some big dogs do. Then they bull the green fuzz off and eat it. :sick: Dogs will destroy anything if it is fun. We scold our dogs for chewing on toys, like fuzzy squirrels. They do like to cuddle, pull, fling, chase, and fetch the hairy ones though. I have seen some toys that are so cheap and can be easily broken!!!

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