Dog just ate bottle of tubifex worms


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Okay so I guess my dog got into one of the fish cabinets and ate about 15 blocks of tubifex worms. I am guessing she ate them all as the empty container was laying in her doggy bed with the plastic chewed up. What will happen to her? :-( As if I didn't already have enough sick fish, now I may have a sick dog as well. :rolleyes: :-(
My mom just called the animal hospital and they said she should be fine. :thumbs: :wub:

Now I'll have to buy locks for the cupboards. ;) :lol: I just fed them a nice big bowl of wet food so hopefully they won't be hungry enough to go digging for the fish food again. :rolleyes:
My dog (lab) can eat just about anything and come through okay, unless it's too big and gets stuck halfway through :lol:

glad to hear your dog will be ok. crazy animals :rolleyes:
laboul said:
My dog (lab) can eat just about anything and come through okay, unless it's too big and gets stuck halfway through :lol:

glad to hear your dog will be ok. crazy animals :rolleyes:
And out of every type of fish food I have, she picked the tubufex worms? Bleh. :p :rolleyes:

One of my dogs will eat anything, she is also about 10 pounds overweight. :p There is nothing 'mini' about her. :lol:
My cats have eaten: flake, dried bloodworms, cichlid pellets and algae wafers. They are little beggars and break into the 'fish cupboard' if they feel neglected, roll whatever they can out, bash it around until the lid comes off (or claw open plastic packs), and eat the lot. Not only do they have shiny coats and wet noses, but they now swim really well too!!! JK :rofl: Doesn't seem to have done them any harm, couldn't believe they ate a whole packet of algae wafers... yuck. Guess it's one way of getting them to eat vegetables!

As long as your dog has plenty to drink she'll be fine!

My cat also likes algae wafers. Well... kind. I found the package of wafers under my bed with about 100+ tiny holes in it.

I would think as long as they're not eating live worms they should be ok.

I laughed so hard when I read your post.
I have no doggies or kitties right now to worry about getting into anything, but my guinea pigs eat EVERYTHING that's on the floor. Mini low-rider vacuums they are.

:lol: i thought it was just my kitties that had a taste for spirulina!

oh, and BM, that is possibly the cutest description you could have given for guinea pigs. i can just see them squeaking across your living room floor looking for things to munch on!

*sigh* i love animals...
haha my dog ate a whole brand new big tub of tetramin....wot i dont get is the attraction to it ..i mean it smells cant taste that good either! :rolleyes:
My stupid dog ate an entire beg of alege waffers & all my fishes food (dried flakes) I had the big alege waffers aswell & had only used 1 - i was worried sick but he was fine (went the toilet more for a poo but that serves him right) I am myself getting a lock for the fish cabinet. they are buggers............. :rofl:

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