Does Your Plec Feed At The Surface?

Dec 9, 2007
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Worksop, Notts, UK
my 8.5" common plec does, its amazing, took him about 14 months of me having him (plus 3 he is 3yrs old before that), when he comes to the surface i just drop a couple of flake sin his mouth and he gobbles them up in no time!
I've seen pics of others who've done it, but never tried to myself. Get a picture of it.
one of my plecs used to do that, swim upside down and suck flakes up lol

I saw mine doing this only 2 days ago. I immediately thought he was sick or dying, seeing him swim upside down...then I realized he was sucking up the floating pellets. I called my wife down to look and she couldn't believe it either. Pretty darned smart and agile...these fish are so full of character I can watch them for hours.

Just last night, in my new Cichlid tank, a convict (the dominant fish in the tank) decided to take a nip out of the plocky. He immediately turned on the convict ran right over it...then continued to bowl it over for about 20 seconds every opportunity it could get. Now the pleco is left alone and very happy...I'm thinking of naming him Chuck Norris :p

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