Does Your Betta Do This Too?


Apr 22, 2005
Reaction score
Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK
I have a young Male CT which I got from Bettaman (cheers again - bit of advertising there!!!!!) I usually feed the occupants of the tank bettaflakes which he particularly goes totally nuts for and other flake foods. Also freeze dried food once in a while but not keen with that as he's one of those fish where effort in getting his food is not appreciated so tends to ignore the food and looks at me for something else a little easier to devour!

I loved giving my last CT blood worm and brine shrimp as a treat once a week but the last few times I've fed this CT he seems to get a really swollen tummy and just sits at the bottom of the tank or is very inactive for a couple of days. :/

I feed all my fish once every other day and definately do not over feed. As you've already seen I give a large variety of food.

All fish are healthy and water parameters are excellent.

Any thoughts? Thanks
The normal food for our bettas are Hikari Betta Bio Gold (3 pellets a day). I also feed frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and tebifles worms. Whn I give them BW or BS, it is from the cup I am about to give the big tanks. I give them 2 of the smallest worms (very thin and short) or about 3 shrimp. Being as small as they are, they can't eat much (although I think they would eat the entire package of betta bites if I put it in there). Bloodworms are hard for them to digest (very high in protein) so that may be the reason he is inactive after eating them. I also read somewhere that freeze dried were harder to digest too but can't remember why (may not be the case period).

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