Does This Sound Like Algae?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
I've tried looking for the answer myself, I've come across different types of algae, and none seem to fit the description of what I'm seeing on my plant.

I'm in a fishless cycle, will be stocking tomorrow as my cycle appears to be complete. I have 4 anubias in my tank, 2 of which have been there since day 1 (it's day 19 now).

My water is crystal clear, the items in my tank appear to be squeeky clean (substrate, rock decor, heaters, filter, glass, etc), but on one of my 4 plants I have what looks like an underwater cobweb on the base of the plant.

It hasn't really spread in the last couple of days since I first noticed it, it's not on any of the other plants (even the other one that was planted on day 1), and the plant I'm seeing this on appears to be otherwise healthy. No spots on the leaves, no yellow leaves, etc.

I'm at work right now so I can't produce a picture, but does this sound like some sort of algae to you? When I stock tomorrow, I'll be putting in 1 or 2 bristlenose plecos which appear to love algae, so should I try to remove it now or just let the plec(s) have a snack?
It could also be a fungus. A member had an issue with a fungus once here that was pretty persistant. A treatment with a fungacide helped.

However, it could very well also be an algae. A picture would help. Several species of algae behave like what you've described.


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