Does This Happen To Everyone


New Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Auckland, New Zealand
Hi all
I just was thinking of my albino cories and for some reason whenever they lay eggs its normally about 2 days after a water change. When i normally want my cories to spawn i put in air bubble disc and do 30 % water change but they do not spawn soon after but for me its normally two days later. Anyone have anything like this with your cories or just simpily my ones are weird. Also iv put in a Albino Bristlenose pair in the tank in hopes that they too join in spawning whenever the cories mind is made up.
Thanks Manmeet
A temperature drop is known to induce spawning in lots of species, i believe cories are one of them. Usually when you do a water change because you add cool water the temp drop a few degrees. pretty normal for spawning to occur shortly afterwards
I have read that it is sometimes the warm up after the cool water change that stimulates the spawning. Some of mine spawn almost immediately after the water change but most wait a day or so.
yeah thats what happened with mine they laid eggs, then they hatched, so i wanted to keep the water quality high so i did a water change next day, more eggs and the more times i did tthis they kept laying eggs so i slowed down on water changes, to give them a rest and they stopped laying so much
The Corys that survived in the wild to spawn and raise families were the ones that spawned when fresh water and food was plentiful. That time for them as fresh water river fish is during the runoff and snow melts. The fresh influx of water brought plentiful food and healthy conditions. Through the generations the fish that adapted best were the progenators of the following generations.

It no longer is necessarily so, but fresh water that meets their species requirements and plentiful high quality food is still the primary trigger. A low stress and non-threatening environment is another requirement. That is why so often you hear folks say, "They must be happy," when fish spawn.

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