Does this happen often?


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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My friend has a huge turtle at home. He said that the associate at the petstore said that an algae eater would be ok with it, seeing as how it was so fast. Of course, it was eaten.

Has anyone else ever gotten similar advice?
Not regarding a turtle. But i have gotten lots of bad info from LFS. I usually research all my questions on the web or ask in discussion boards like this one here. You get a much more honest and knowledgable answer along with personal experiences.
If the fish is sufficiently large enough, it shouldn't be eaten by the turtle. Of course this may not be practical depending on the size of the turtle, fish and aquarium.
I believe he's saying that the lfs he used to go to gave him bad advice so he moved on to another one.
It really depends on the kind of turtle - some of them like to eat fish more than others. Our turtle will only stir for hikari algae wafers and various floating turtle pellets. Sometimes he likes fresh figs but has adamantly refused all other kinds of fruit and veg we put in there and he won't eat prawns either.

We actually had the opposite worry, that our pleco would sit on the turtle and stop it going for a breath, but the turtle goes for breaths when it wants to and the pleco sits on him when it wants to. We had the pleco since it was tiny too.
You're probably right, though the plec's probably growing at the same rate as the turtle, if not faster...

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