Does overfeeding make tetras swim less?


New Member
Dec 2, 2023
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Basically I have a community tank (180L) that currently houses 18 rummynose tetras and 14 cardinals and 6 corys. I feed once a day, some hikari micropellets and a couple sinking pellets for the corys.

I started with the RN and loved to watch them swim up and down the tank together; however, after adding the cardinals I noticed that they don't swim up and down the tank as much and often just hang out with the stationary cardinals.

Originally I thought that it was because of the cardinals; however, I recently noticed that they seem to all just hang out at the one spot that I feed them. They do eat all the food and any that is missed the corys eat up.

Is this behaivour because of the cardinals that I added or maybe because they're being overfed and just becoming lazy?
I’d definitely say underfed if they’re staying there waiting for more food, and if they’re only fed once a day.
I would try a few things.

It's hard to judge amounts from what you said. I would also get some flake for variety, but also because it spreads across the surface before it sinks. It's a key reason I prefer it over pellets - the fish have to go get it. You can also vary where you feed them - untrain them.

If fish gain fat, it isn't between their body and skin as with us. It gathers in their body cavity, and can put pressure on the internal organs. That would slow anyone down.

Cardinals are foragers, and eat all day. I also feed once daily, with occasional twice daily and weekly fast days.

I would look at my aquascape. Is there only one place where the plants provide cover from above? Is the tank brightly lit at the substrate level, and is that where the cardinals are avoiding hanging out? I suspect you have fear behaviour happening, more than hunger. Rummys all like a water surface that's agitated - that's their camouflage. You don't hide and hover when you feel safe.

Cardinals like shade, and a forest like decor they can move through, safe from birds.

How much does the water move, how bare is the tank and what's the temperature? Add - what's the water change routine?

Does overfeeding make tetras swim less?​

I would say: Yes, that can happen... If they get fatter, they may move somewhat slower.
I would try a few things.

It's hard to judge amounts from what you said. I would also get some flake for variety, but also because it spreads across the surface before it sinks. It's a key reason I prefer it over pellets - the fish have to go get it. You can also vary where you feed them - untrain them.

If fish gain fat, it isn't between their body and skin as with us. It gathers in their body cavity, and can put pressure on the internal organs. That would slow anyone down.

Cardinals are foragers, and eat all day. I also feed once daily, with occasional twice daily and weekly fast days.

I would look at my aquascape. Is there only one place where the plants provide cover from above? Is the tank brightly lit at the substrate level, and is that where the cardinals are avoiding hanging out? I suspect you have fear behaviour happening, more than hunger. Rummys all like a water surface that's agitated - that's their camouflage. You don't hide and hover when you feel safe.

Cardinals like shade, and a forest like decor they can move through, safe from birds.

How much does the water move, how bare is the tank and what's the temperature? Add - what's the water change routine?
Thanks for the reply :)

The tank is heavily planted with pearl weeds that layer the bottom (with a few hard scape items that break them up) and Brazilian pennywort that towers throughout the tank.

I can feed them in a few different locations and I’ve been trying to “untrain” them… I didn’t know about the surface agitation and Rummynose, I’ll have to look into that.

I’ll attach a photo of my setup so you can get a better idea, they tend to hang out in the back left corner where the big dragon stone is (this is also where I feed them as it’s a clearing for me to make sure not too much food gets down to the substrate).


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Thanks for the reply :)

The tank is heavily planted with pearl weeds that layer the bottom (with a few hard scape items that break them up) and Brazilian pennywort that towers throughout the tank.

I can feed them in a few different locations and I’ve been trying to “untrain” them… I didn’t know about the surface agitation and Rummynose, I’ll have to look into that.

I’ll attach a photo of my setup so you can get a better idea, they tend to hang out in the back left corner where the big dragon stone is (this is also where I feed them as it’s a clearing for me to make sure not too much food gets down to the substrate).
Whoops, uploaded an older photo before it grew out. Here’s a more recent one :)


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Personally I would consider the over feeding messing with the water chemistry especially nitrates. Bad water conditions could without a doubt affect fish activity.
Agreed, but I’ve been checking params frequently after adding the cardinals and all is well.

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