Does Our Tank Have Ick?


New Member
May 3, 2008
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Hi all just want to check what this could be!!

ok just been checking the water and noticed on a few of the fish they have tiny white specks but not fluffy like white spot is it ick?

our tank is 200l
Temp is between 27 28

ph 7.5
ammonia 0
nitrate 5
nitrite 0

We have 10 rummy nose tetra,8 neon tetra, 4 platty, 3 rainbow, gold nugget plec and 5 shrimp. Can we expect casualties with this?

many thanks in advance.
Do the spots look like grains of Shugar? If so, it is ich :sad: ICH attacks the fishes gills and can kill supprisingly quickly, so if this is what it is, you need to move fast. I would use Protozin personally, but the Interpet anit-whitespot would be fine also. Anti-whitespot plus isn't a good one due to your plec. There are two remadies that interpet do :good:

If you have a spare tank it would be a good idea to quarentine your infected fish. This the disease is less likely to spread to your other fish. Good luck. I hope all goes wall

thats great thanks rabut, yes it does look like grains of sugar and is mainly on the fis. will go in the mornibg and get some stuff.
Thanks again Si

unfortunatley we dont have another tank but will treat first thing 2moro.
Huh :S whitespot isn't fluffy? whitespot and ich are just the same aren't they??? if it was fluffy it would be fungus.

Whitespot and ICH are the same :good: Fluffy spots = fungus, none-fluffy spots = whitespot

on a few of the fish they have tiny white specks but not fluffy like white spot is it ick?

From that, if they are shugar grain like, they are whitespot/ICH :good:

All the best
Thanks Rabbut, yes they are sugar like. it was a mistake on my behalf fairly new to fish keeping and get a bit mixed up with all these diseases!!
Got interpet anti white spot today as they never had any of the protozin.

many thanks
good luck with getting rid of the whitespot, if you have caught it early your in luck if not then sorry for your losses, I just lost 3 loaches a couple of days ago due to it and another 3 fish today :(

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