Does my tank look overstocked?


Aug 23, 2003
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Toon Town
Okay, I posted in the african cichlid section about these dirty dirty dirty fish.....

Thought you should all have a look at them...see what 600 brichardi in a 20 gallon look like.... :/

Please don't mind the spots, it is the side of tank.....and please don't mind the algae on the back glass....they killed their pleco :X Literally murdered it.

Oh yeah, there is no chance the 2 month olds will eat the new ones if you are thinking that, they HELP look after the new ones....grrrrr.


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freshmike said:
Okay, I posted in the african cichlid section about these dirty dirty dirty fish.....

Thought you should all have a look at them...see what 600 brichardi in a 20 gallon look like.... :/

Please don't mind the spots, it is the side of tank.....and please don't mind the algae on the back glass....they killed their pleco :X Literally murdered it.

Oh yeah, there is no chance the 2 month olds will eat the new ones if you are thinking that, they HELP look after the new ones....grrrrr.
:blink: :eek: :S Oh my goodness Freshmike it is like a science experiment gone wrong!!! I have to admit though, those babies are sooooooooo cute!!!! :wub:

:hey: I might wanna buy a few from you if you know how to ship 'em.....been wanting to "go cichlid" for quite a while and those babies look darn healthy and happy!!!! :hey:

And like Exiled said, stop putting the viagra in the tank man, we get it, you can breed 'em, okay????? :D :p
Yikes! That's a lot of fish!
I might wanna buy a few from you if you know how to ship 'em.....been wanting to "go cichlid" for quite a while and those babies look darn healthy and happy!!!!
I agree. I'd love to buy some of those babies off you ;)
That's an awesome pic, they're gorgeous! (all of them :lol: )

I read your other thread about your lfs, have you checked Aquabid? Go look and see how much they're going for, you may be better off selling them there. Don't worry about shipping, it's a breeze and the buyer pays for it all.

Ya know what's crazy?....they look like they're in bliss! :wub:
are all of those little dots on the left little babies omg that is so cool i though those were the watermarks :lol: congrats now thats a lot of babies mind sending me some :whistle: :whistle:
Well 55, like I said in the main post in African cichlids....they are from wild parents and are worth around 7 dollars each at 1" just sending them for free seems a little um.....not well thought out? LOL!!! However....if anyone lives in or near Calgary, please feel free to come get some....there are alot of 1/2" that I will sell for cheap.....and then you can look at some of the other "non-plague" like breeders I also have :lol: ...such as my P.demasoni, that I have 250 which I don't mind having so many, because they are in 3 different tanks, not 600 in one!
I would og thought u could of get rid of soem of the older fry u can't keep them all???? or can you??? lol! but i would of thuoght it was better for the parents to look after the smalller ones :D but do keep ur favourites! :thumbs: great looking fish tooo :kewlpics:
Congrats. My LFS gives credit for fish when yo breed them unless they are livebearers. Only problem is the fish that I may be able to breed are Clown Loaches, Silver Sharks, Keyhole Cichlids and Upsidedown Catfish. I may buy another Bristlenpse and try with my Female. Any info on breeding the fish I got?
Thank you for the compliments everyone!!!

No I can't get rid of the bigger ones yet, because they are still too small....takes around 6 months to grow them to "sell" size....where as an mbuna will take 2-3 I am a little discouraged :/

I have moved the parents and seperated them, male in the 180, and female in the 90.....I sure hope they can't spawn from 2 different tanks (just a joke, remember, the plague thing???? :lol: ) I hope they don't get too bummed out, the female looks ok so far, but the male is being a little aggressive...chasing poor little leleupi :p

As for the new babies, the older ones are already taking care of them (I mean caring for, not "taking care of" :lol: ) as any good brichardi fry will do....I was thinking....and I came up with this idea.....see, they breed every month, 300 at a if I get them 12 tanks (sorry need to break to laugh....) and move the parents from tank to tank every month.....then I won't have the problem of double spawns in one tank. To think, 3600 brichardi babies a year @ $7 each? Who needs a job? :lol: :lol: :lol: Ya, right :p for your breeding question, I have never ever heard of anyone without a fish "farm" being able to breed Clown Loaches and Silver Sharks.....the catfish will be very difficult......but the keyholes....shouldn't be too hard...Good Luck!

OH YEAH!!! If you like the brichardi babies, you will be happy to know that my wild caught Savoryi (striped brichardi) have also spawned, however, they only have around 15 each, so there are 30 of those little guys hangin around too :D :D :D
Now those ones I am pretty happy about! They are way less common and a much higher price! HOORAY! :D :D :D
As for the new babies, the older ones are already taking care of them (I mean caring for, not "taking care of"  ) as any good brichardi fry will do....I was thinking....and I came up with this idea.....see, they breed every month, 300 at a if I get them 12 tanks (sorry need to break to laugh....) and move the parents from tank to tank every month.....then I won't have the problem of double spawns in one tank. To think, 3600 brichardi babies a year @ $7 each? Who needs a job?    Ya, right 

Don't knock it mate... It's possible!!!!! Personally I think you should go for it!

Surely it won't cost much to set up 12 tanks? And your electricity bill - well you could also breed hamsters and get them running around in their wheels to generate it for you.

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