does my L200 eat? - my paranoia?


Aug 29, 2004
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I've had my L200 for a few weeks now. His first night in the tank coincided with my anubias-like (not sure what it actually is) plant becoming covered in holes. It's been getting steadily worse, but no other plants seem to have the same problem. It was THRIVING up to the day I put him in. The plant shows no other sign of illness - stems are fine. I've never actually seen him eat, I can put food right under his nose in his 'cave' (under the bogwood) and he ignores it completely while the other fish eat it. He's looking a bit thin... but this could be my paranoid imagination. Am I right to worry?
feed after dark, spend a few hours watching the tank and see if it emerges, if not, have a rummage about so you can inspect the state of its belly.

I never see 2 of my 4 plecs feed, although they seem healthy and are still alive, months down the line.

I am feeding him after dark already, he does emerge when it's dark although I have no idea if he's eating the food. good point about the belly... will do that.
hrm... i've got this same issue w/ the ones i purchased a few weeks back. i've a red melon sword in the tank that's displaying the same mysterious appearance of holees--its beginning to look like a lace variety ;)

mine are looking fat and happy, of course. :rolleyes: oh well, i was wanting a heavily planted tank anyways...
Our L200 also has mysterious feeding habits, but a slice of zucchini (courgette) held down with a plant weight will bring him out of hiding every time. He loves the skin and will munch on it for hours.

Bloodworm also gets him out & about.
thanks sir, I haven't tried zuccini yet... I'll do that. I tried bloodworm but he didn't show much interest.

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