Does My Fish Have Dropsy?


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Mar 9, 2011
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Tank size: 20 Gallons
pH: 6.3
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
tank temp: 76 F

Fish Symptoms: I purchased four Cardinals and one neon tetra from a tropical fish store in my area. All fish looked healthy but after a few days I noticed the neon tetra was really fat. I thought it was pregnant but after some research realized that tetras lay eggs so the large belly had to be something else. I think the fish could have dropsy but does not show any signs of dropsy other than being fat. The fish is active, eats when fed and does not have the "pine cone" look that is associated with dropsy. I removed the fish and set up a 2 gallon hospital tank.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: This tank has only been up for around seven weeks. Completed a fishless cycle in 2.5 weeks using fish food and added bacteria. The fish from my old tank were added about a month ago before I introduced any new fish. I have done one water change since the tank has been cycled and populated.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Flourish tabs for the live plants and liquid fertilizer. Other media would include drift wood, rocks and live plants.

Tank inhabitants: 2 Corydoras, 1 Yoyo loach, 6 Kuhli Loaches, 5 Cardinals, 2 White Clouds, 4 Ghost Shrimp.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 5 loaches and 4 cardinals have been introduced over the past two weeks.

Exposure to chemicals: I do not use any chemicals in my tank.

I do think something is wrong but I don't kn
ow what. But i will mention that I Don't think your stocking list is very good. White clouds I thought were sub tropical or cold water,which the other fish are not. they are also shoaling fish. Also tetras are shoaling fish only with their own species e.g 6 or more neons OR cardinals. Corys are also shoaling fish with their own species. Someone can correct me if I am wrong please.
Internal parasites or dropsy. Given how small neon tetras are, the pinecone look wouldn't be quite noticeable. The pineconing is actually because they get so fat their scales stick out, but you can barely see scales on a neon tetra.

I do think something is wrong but I don't kn
ow what. But i will mention that I Don't think your stocking list is very good. White clouds I thought were sub tropical or cold water,which the other fish are not. they are also shoaling fish. Also tetras are shoaling fish only with their own species e.g 6 or more neons OR cardinals. Corys are also shoaling fish with their own species. Someone can correct me if I am wrong please.
Correct on cories being schoolers. Yoyo loaches are schoolers too. I don't know about white cloud minnows. And neon tetras will school with cardinals, but it's questionable as to why you'd want both species in a tank anyway.
I was unaware that this was a fish stock critiquing website...
I was unaware that this was a fish stock critiquing website...
We're here for the fish. If we see something wrong, we're going to point it out, even if it's not what you were asking about.

In regards to the tetra, watch its fecal matter, if it turns out white and stringy, it may have internal parasites. also try fasting it for a while, or feeding it some deshelled peas to help with digestion, it might even be really, really constipated.
I was unaware that this was a fish stock critiquing website...

I'm sorry that you've been offended, no-one would want that, the comments were made with the best intentions. If you're happy with the stock in your tank, then that's fair enough.

There certainly is something wrong with that neon, but the fact that it's active and eating suggests to me that it's not dropsy. I would agree with Onidrase to try feeding deshelled peas, as this is good for the digestive system. MY favoured method is to squeeze the inner part of the pea from the shell, and then mash it under the back of a fork - it makes it easier for smaller fish to eat.

I hope you find this helpful.
I was unaware that this was a fish stock critiquing website...
We're here for the fish. If we see something wrong, we're going to point it out, even if it's not what you were asking about.

In regards to the tetra, watch its fecal matter, if it turns out white and stringy, it may have internal parasites. also try fasting it for a while, or feeding it some deshelled peas to help with digestion, it might even be really, really constipated.

+1 we are here for the fish, they can become unhappy and stressed and in worst case scenarios die( if severely stressed they can become more susceptible to diseases) if shoaling fish are not in shoals....i am sorry if any of us have offended you in any way.

Sorry also about the neon and cardinal thing :/ still learning :D
if you have no Nitrates (unless your tanks is heavily planted) then i would question it being cycled.
Sorry about your poorly fish x
The fish has an internal infection, get it out of your tank ASAP. it will burst, die and kill everything in your tank. I had a neon do the same thing, thought it was pregnant until I noticed everything dead and when I squeezed that fish, I never smelt GUT ROT so bad in my life.
The fish has an internal infection, get it out of your tank ASAP. it will burst, die and kill everything in your tank. I had a neon do the same thing, thought it was pregnant until I noticed everything dead and when I squeezed that fish, I never smelt GUT ROT so bad in my life.

It might not be an internal infection, I think its constipation.
I dont think it will burst either, and it will not kill EVERYTHING in the tank.
I was unaware that this was a fish stock critiquing website...

I agree. It's ridiculous that the first thing people do is comment on the tank stocking rather than answering the question asked, especially given the condition of the poor tetra. While the advice is meant well it should come second to actually helping the tetra.

It's not dropsy and if he's pooing and eating normally then it's not constipation either, although feeding him a shelled pea will do no harm if he'll take it.

I'd say it's either a tumour or a parasite. You could treat with a strong anti-parasitic like praziquantel or a milder one like flubendazole. I don't know what meds you get in NZ but you here in the UK they are in products called Fluke Solve and Wormer Plus. Judging by the distention of his gut though I'd say it's too late for him.

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