Does my cons have to be alone? :)


Fish Fanatic
Oct 20, 2003
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i am starting a fourth tank with convicts (albino)... :crazy: it is only 160l big (=35 us gallon). Is there any cichlids that can live togather with a pair of cons in such a small tank? I am going to have lots of hidingplaces and very good filtration.

i hope they dont have to be alone.. :wub:
maybe a jewel and a firemouth? not sure you have to know your fish's personality by trial and error. gl man
They are not very aggressive for cons to be. about average I guess. The girl is not aggressive at all. :)

And isnt the jewel african btw?...
honestly most pet stores cycle all their water together so parimeters are the same. also, the africans you buy are breed in captivity (most likely) and the water is quite similiar to that of any other fish. if you wanted to get textbook, the jewels have the same requirements as NW cichlids
i reckon the cons will kill the kewl, there alot more active than cons, but if he does have hiding places it might work.

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