Does it matter


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2004
Reaction score
Sunderland. North East of England
Hi guys, just a quick query does it matter how long i run my marine tank with just live rock and turbos, oh and skimmer of course, the live rock is well cured from an existing tank, and should i use the lights or leave them off?


I would leave the lights off to avoid an algae bloom, you could have them on but you may start getting over-run with algae. i would leave it as long as possable but normally about 6-8 weeks without fish is good.

ste :)
You should be regularly testing it.

Some tanks can cycle in as little as four weeks, while others can take up to 10.

If you test every few nights, you should not need to worry about time. Just keep testing, and wait patiently for ammonia and nitrites to drop to 0.
Hi at present my readings are as follows

Nitrite is 0.25
Nitrate 10ppm
Ammonia 0
S/G 1.023
Salinity is 30ppt
PH 8.5

Are these what you would expect from a tank with well cured live rock and if Nitrite doesnt drop, is there a way to aid it?


I keep SG around 1.025. Not sure if it really matters.
You should be fine soon depending on how live the LR is. Do you have LS?

I had no cycle as my rock/sand was all crawling with tube and spaghetti worms and pods of all sorts.
Hi ostrow, no LS yet did have some turbo snails but they well, snuffed it, not sure how live the live rock is at mo havent seen any beasties!!!! am going to increase sg to around 1025ish.



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