Does Color Matter


New Member
Jun 12, 2006
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Hello ,
I'm new to the sorry if i ask to much questions or reposting
But umm i have a question. My cousin and me were thinking about breeding and we were wondering if the color of the fish realli matters. because ive been lookin around online and like every betta couple ive seen so far were the same color... so does color matter... i also want to kno about the tank... i have a 5 gallon tank and would that be big enough for breeding... and wat do i feed my fish ? i got blood worm freezed dried, does that work and high protien food ? Could someone show me wat i need for the tank and all.

thanks a lot

take a look in the pinned topics and then post again with any other questions, colour doesnt matter its personal choice(plus however you want the spawn to look like)
-_- ok thanks i didnt see the pins but i read it and can some show me wat all this stuff looks like... some pictures....i dont kno wat all that stuff is except the cup , but wat is a chamney vase is that liek a small class vase that is sitting upwards ?

thankz :good:
Check out :) it has the basic breeding info you need to know. A chimney vase is a vase is used, but you can also use a floating breeding trap, or just a plastic cup floating in the water. That is the LAST thing you need to worry about though. Don't dive in to breeding before getting your feet wet... just, take it easy and get used to keeping a few adult Bettas, doing water changes, keeping away disease, etc. Spawning Bettas is extremely time consuming, fairly expensive, and requires tons of research & supplies.

Bettas need much more than freeze dried bloodworms, that should be given occasionally or not at all as it has virtually no nutritional value =P. Buy frozen bloodworms & brine shrimp, thaw out a small piece of one cube and feed small amounts 2-3 times a day. I do feel that color is a huge factor if you want to breed nice quality Bettas that will be desired by people. For instance, breeding Bettas with lots of red-wash, or breeding a blue Betta to a red Betta, will give you lots of red-wash babies which is not up to par with show standards. Try to find the purest colors you can for your first spawn... a sibling pair is best. You want to look for clean, pure coloring in both parents and you can more easily predict the coloring of all of their babies. Finnage is also HUGE! Do not breed Veiltails (see for tail types) if you want to sell your fish & produce decent quality. That also goes for even CT's & Deltas with poor/mediocre finnage. You'll be investing tons of time & effort in breeding, so hold out for a pair that you love and that is great quality. I just ordered from, they have gorgeous pairs at great prices!

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