Does bristlenose = medusa?


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
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Near Madison, WI
Aaaaaaaiy yi yi...
Grulla and i saw a medusa pleco at AniMart the other day.
It's been haunting my dreams ever since. lol
Just wondering if that's the same as a bristlenose.
And for anyone that's never seen one...

They horrify me.
BettaMomma, they kind of grown on you after awhile. I think of anicistris (sp?) as an aquired taste :lol: . They used to just freak me out when I was first looking into them, but then I decided theyre of the "so ugly theyre cute" variety.
The Medusa head pleco is my fav pleco of all time!!!

I gotta agree with MAM it is an aquired taste!
Sir Minion and lady Minion have a female and she is absoluelty beautiful! :wub:

I have had a male and he was absoleutly amazing. They do get larger than the reg bn and perfer meat over algae. I would love to have another one
Very simple.
All Medusas are bristlenoses
But not all bristlenoses are Medusas.

There are around 70 species of bristlenose, some with big bristles, some with small bristles and some with no bristles at all, but they're all bristlenos plecs!
oh my LORD sir minion - I just jumped back from my screen when i saw your avatar just now. YIKES! heh heh

Seeing plecs makes me not want to take a bath - ever again.
And for some reason they make my skin crawl. They're just so COMPLETELY odd looking it's rather disturbing. eek!
haha - funny how we all like fish but our preferences differ so much ! :D I LOVE bristenoses and think they are one of the oddest funniest wacky looking fish around. Others might disagree B)

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