Does Anyone Where I Can Get Some Aquababies From

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em 11

Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2005
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does anyone where i can get some AquaBabies from in the nw england :)
No. And we wouldn't tell you if we did know. Aquababies are cruel. They kill fish. They confine fish to an unnaturally small space where they cannot move properly or display any natural behaviour. This is not what we do on this forum. I and most members on this forum would like to see Aquababies banned.

Em, you really need to think about where you are taking this hobby. I see you on the Sales forum all the time asking for more fish, or offering to take on other members' fish, though there is no evidence that you have either the tank capacity or the expertise to deal with the sort of fish you are enquiring about. This post confirms my opinion. You really must settle down to learn as much as you can about your current fish and how to give them the best life possible. Fishkeeping takes patience and a certain amount of selflessness, doing what is best for another creature. If you haven't got that, then you are not mature enough to keep fish.
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