Does Anyone Prefer Gravel Over Sand


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2012
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Hi All

I had sand in my tanks for ages now and have always been fed up of looking at a littered tank bed five mins after cleaning so im going back to gravel to maintain a cleaner look, since making this decision all i hear is everyone raving about how good sand is but they must have the same issues so my question is does anyone still prefer gravel over sand.

Short answer - no

I love my sand, It does get messy at times but I still like it. In saying that I have black sand and yellow sand
But what is it you like about the sand? i know some fish prefer it but gravel is so much easier to keep looking better the other thing i used to hate about my sand was that it used to get like a grey tinge to the top layer i never could figure out what this was i just put in down to dirt but it was like the actual grain colour changed.
I prefer gravel over sand! Even if its really fine gravel!!
I seriously dislike sand, dont even think it looks good but tidiness and maintenance wise, sand is a nightmare! I find plants do just as well in gravel as sand, with the right shaped gravel, cories do just great too... dont know what other benefits it might have..
Yeah a gravel fan hip hip horay lol

Ive gone for a really simple small dorset pea gravel im not going to be keeping plants in there as ive never really been green fingered not really sure what to have in there to be honest, would like a really nice piece of wood but i never been to be able to find any nice bits in the shops but i will be keeping an eye out for some.
Just avoid corydoras and preferably loach too but tbh there is an abundance of species available for those who dont rush their fish choices and are willing to shop around!
My vote is on sand. I have black sand so doesnt look so messy. Sure gravel is easier to keep looking clean but I feel sand just gives it that more natural feel. Worth it in the long run:)
I hate sand and use gravel in all my tanks.
My sand never looks messy, i just make sure there is plenty of flow and that the lowest point of my sand bed is at the back, near the filter.
I like the colour of my sand in my current setup (the 180litre that is), even though some people say it tends to wash out the colours of their fish i find that with my current stocking and the right plants that everything contrasts nicely. To be truthful the sand probably does make (some of) my fish look a little less vivid but i find that i enjoy the overall effect of it and for a dash of colour I have my Harlequins, I am actually also considering Cherry Barbs for some more contrast against the sand and greenery. 
I also personally find my wood stands out more against sand and that I find planting much easier. 
Having said this I certainly must agree a nice black gravel has it's uses. For example, i will add my Fundulopanchax Gardneri's to my 125litre with black gravel as they will look much nicer against it.
It all comes down to personal preference and at the end of the day you can use whatever the heck you want, as long as you like it, that is the important thing.
I may have the secret - silica sand. Not as fine as playsand, but still great for cories and loaches. Mine hardly ever shows any muck on it. Mind you, I no longer have any plecs. It *was* a different story then...!
I dont even like Silica Sand :p
If anything, I think its worse as its not sand OR gravel.. next size up is what... 1-2mm fine gravel? I like that... or even 2-4mm gravel :)
I first had gravel then changed to white fine sand......had it for a month and my corys and kuhlis loved it...yesterday i bought some fine 2-3 mm black gravel and wouldnt look back. Sand looks great when spotless but it is just a nightmare to keep clean in my opinion...
I would move my bogwood and loads of bits would litter the sand. Also with a messy plec it was constantly mucky let alone my externalfilter loved sucking it up.
Gravel from now on.
medium gravel, or no substrate at all for me....
but thats partially because i use UGFs in most of my tanks
I'm currently waiting for my gravel to arrive and have to say I don't mind it with nothing in seems very bright not sure if the fish like it or not
I recently made the change from gravel to sand. Really like the brightness in my tank now with the sand.

But, I've kept my gravel. As much as I like the sand, I will always like the finer gravel. I have 2-4mm gravel and it looks awesome.

But for now... Sand :good:

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