Does Anyone Know...

They couldn't care less provided it gives them lots of shade and someplace to hide. So low-lying things like Cryptocorynes aren't that useful, but a dense stand of Cabomba or Vallisneria would be just the thing. Floating plants will be every more popular.

The main thing with elephantnoses is to give them sand and shade and lots of nice little worms to eat. Everything else is icing on the cake.

Cheers, Neale

what an elephant nose's favourite plant is?
thank you! i would love another "forest" of vallisneria but, as i learnt from last time, my tank just isn't big enough -_-
my elephant nose seems to be loving my largest amazon sword though :D
If you're stuck for space, then go with floating plants. You could fill the top 10% of the tank with Ceratopteris cornutus ("water sprite") to produce shade, and then leave the bottom of the tank basically just open sand but with one or two hollow ornaments (like flower pots) for the elephantnose to rest in. That would be perfect, and would maximise swimming space and also keep the tank easy to clean.

Cheers, Neale

thank you! i would love another "forest" of vallisneria but, as i learnt from last time, my tank just isn't big enough -_-
my elephant nose seems to be loving my largest amazon sword though :D

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