Does Anyone Know What Type Of Plec I Have?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
East London, England
Hello all..

I have a few questions here

Firstly can anybody tell me what type of Plec i have please?..

Secondly does anyone know why the Angelfish stipes come and go?..

And last but no means least! I need to add some more gravel to my tank whats the best way to do this




If you have a plastic tube you could stick it in the tank and pour the gravel in through that.
I'd say common pleco, but I'm no expert.
They grow huge too!!! It may also be another pleco that I've seen but I can't think of the name and they stay relatively small
Angels are cichlids so they will display when they feel like it really, which means the colours do come and go.

Plecco looks like a common plec from that pic, which do grow big, but they are a lovely fish.

As for gravel, give it a thorough washing, otherwise it will make a mess, put it in a net or something and add to the tank, best to do it gently though, or otherwise you make a mess.

EDIT: Just thought, cant tell if thats real bog wood or not, but alot of suckers like plecs need some bogwood in their diet, I think they suck on it to get something out of it which helps them breakdown food and provides them with vitamins etc. Might be good to get some if not. Also make sure substrate isnt jagged, as plecs damage themselves on that too.

and the angels stripes are because of the lights. i have noticed that when my angels move to the front of the tank, their stripes don't show. but when they move to the back they show up really dark.
yes that plec like everyone said, is a common and is going to get big.

and the angels stripes are because of the lights. i have noticed that when my angels move to the front of the tank, their stripes don't show. but when they move to the back they show up really dark.
not true. stripes come and go due to stress levels and other factors included, but mostly stress.
I agree that is a common pleco..I have one just like it..the bristlenose is a bit smaller only grows to about 4-5 inches and dog ugly too the eyes are set a long ways back IMO has that homer simpson look

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