Does anyone know what kind of Pleco this is?


New Member
Mar 14, 2004
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Hi. I got this Pleco from Pet Supermarket a few days ago. All it said on the tank was "pleco". The guy there didn't know what kind it was exactly. It is about 4 to 5 inches long. I would like to know what kind it is so I can look up some info on him as to how to care for him properly. I added some pictures. Thanks!

Can't see the pics.

EDIT: they have appeared, looks like a Gibbiceps Plec, check mine out in me fishy gallery (see sig).
looks same as mine

i dont know what mine is called but hes doing really well and is the healthyest fish in my tank
Click on them to open the image and then they appear, worked for me?
for those who cannot see the picture, on the "nothing picture" right click then go to properties then copy the URL and paste it on our adress bar -_- worked for me :fun:
I can see Plec pictures every where. But I am no good with computers so......... :/
Your fish is definately a sailfin/leopard Pleco. They are lovely fish which grow at an extremely quick rate. They are very peaceful and a great addition to a community tank.

Hope this helps

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