Does anyone know what kind of fish this is>>>


New Member
May 3, 2004
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Hi there, I went to get a new fish that could handle living with my Green Terror and my Jack Dempsey, by the way, are very aggressive, they've been in my 50 gallon tank together since babies, anyways, the guy said that this fish would be fine with them because it's also a very aggressive fish, but I only caught the last part of it's name. It's a something Brachardi. Like I said didn't catch the first part of the name and I'm trying to find out more on this fish, but don't know what it's proper name is. Can anyone help me? I do know that the first part stared with a "N" and it's a very long name. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate I could always wait until Tuesday when the store is opened, but who wants to wait????? :blink: Not me, :p
Thanx for the help, Jeanna
Is it Neolamprologus brichardi? They are very beautiful but IMO should be kept in a species tank because of their tails. They have very long tails that look similar to Lyre Tail mollys some of the sellers here call them lyre tail chiclids.
Yeppers, that's what it is :p Thank you soooo much, now 1 more question.... Is it in the chiclid species Or what category is it in? I can't wait to find out about him, because he's already taking over my tank, I can't believe THAT. I was watching them and my Dempsey wouldn't leave him alone and he wouldn't back down at all!!! There's actually fighting. I hope they eventually tolerate eachother, not sure about that, but we'll see. He's a really cool looking fish. I really like the white outline on his fins.
Thanks so much for the info, and the VERY quick response :D
I would be careful because they stay relatively small compaired to gt's and jd's. They might rule the tank now but once your other fish start to grow their may be problems.

A brichardi is an african cichlid.
Well, that's kinda funny because he IS smaller then the other fish, but have you ever seen the teeth on them? Wow, actually, I'm not too worried about him anymore, I'm worried about my Dempsey.
Also, the pics are cool, is they the only ones in your tank or do you have different fish?
Againthanx for the info
hehe... those aren't my fish.

I just got that off of google. But I would like to own some one day.

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