Does Anyone Know If


We are not born just so we can die
Global Moderator ⚒️
Oct 1, 2010
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Just wondering if a long finned sterbia has been developed. I know that you can get long finned peppered and panda. I was just scrutinising my school of sterbai and noticed that one of them has a much longer top tail fin (more like a brochis splendens tail) than any of my other ones, his (or more likely her judging by its overall size) has otherwise normal sterbai markings although a while ago I did have the freak baby that started out all white then gradually developed the odd black patch before settling into traditional sterbia markings, and it has been with all my other sterbia ever since it grew up and can now not tell it apart from the rest.

Any ideas?
There are albino C. sterbai. However, if you have any question about the lineage of your sterbai, it would be best not to let their eggs hatch. Hybrids are frowned upon among the cory community. Line bred freaky fish are not well appreciated either.

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