Does Anyone Know Anything About Marine Ich?


New Member
May 21, 2006
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I think I have ich. I have a Purple tang covered with white dots this morning.
The whitespot parasite is present in most reef tanks, waiting to attach to a stressed fish. Tangs are particularly prone to it as they don't like being moved around. Often people simply get whitespot on their tangs because they not acclimatised the fish properly.

How long have you had the fish?

What are your water levels including Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, Salt and Temperature?

Have you had whitespot on any other fish?

How long has your tank been setup and how much live rock, and what kind of equipment do you use on the tank?

Im afraid your tank is about 70 gallons too msall for a fish such as this. :/

100 gallons minimum for a tang is the considered recomendation.
The fish will be highly stressed which is why its come down with Ich. To help the fish recover you need to find out the cause of the stress. My guess is the limited room in your tank will only compound the problem even further.
The only fish I have had get ich were tangs in my 30 gal quarantine tank. I agree, I think the cause is the stress from the smaller tank.

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