Does anyone here know anything

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
:sad: :sad Last nite I was doing my normal house cleaning around 2 am. I went to my bedroom to take a little break and play with my babies. Well two of them was acting normal like their usual selves. To my surprize Mason my favorite little boy was laying like he was dying. I dont have the money to take him to the vet right now I dont know what to do. in order for me to find out what is wrong it will cost me over three hundred dollars. I have a few questions to ask everyone and see what your all answeres. The first one is (could mouthwash make this ferret breathe real fast and act like all the life is out of him?) ( The second question My boyfriend has real bad lungs. Her has to use a breathing machine. Could that medicine make this ferret act lifeless, I know that it could mess with his breathing.) (The third question is I have a old tom cat that needs to be neutered I have had a lot of trouble with him trying to make the ferret pregnant.
Hi, I don't know anything about ferrets but mouthwash usually contains alcohol so that would probably make him breath fast and act a bit funny. Sorry can't answer the rest of your questions, hope that helps a bit. :)
Well I couldnt take it any longer watching him lay their and do nothing. So I took him to the vet. And she said it was from the mouthwash. And he was highly intoxicated enough to posion his system. They dont know if he is going to make it ot not. If he makes it till 6 am in the morning, The worst will be over. I am praying with all I have in me..
Good luck with his fast recovery! If he makes it, hopefully he'll think twice about getting boozed up on the weekend. I'll be thinking of you two!
Good News the ferret made it. I was starting to give up on him. So I was trying to show him how much I loved him and wanted him to live. I had some cool whip in the fridge so I got a spoonful out and I put some on my finger and he started to lick it off from my fingers. So started to feed him that cool whip ever two hours or so. And to my surprize he pulled threw it ok... I prayed every hour for him and God spared me my baby.
Whoa.... hold on. You've been giving your boyfriend's lung medicine to the ferret? And mouthwash? And.. whipped cream?
I do hope I'm wrong about your BF's medicine being given to the ferret. No human medicine should ever be administered to an animal without a veterinarian's approval. The difference in dosages could be fatal, as could the side effects.
As your vet confirmed, mouth wash is deadly to a ferret. I don't know if this was given intentionally or by accident, but if intentionally, please never give mouth wash, toothpaste, etc. to an animal. It has massive amounts of alchohol and can cause renal failure and liver damage. If this was accidental, they make little child "locks" that can be placed on cabinet doors. They are def. a must-have for every ferret owner. Ferrets are curious and will get into everything; they need to be closely watched, and the house should be ferret proofed.
Finally... I would not reccomend whipped cream. Ferrets are carnivores and thus have a very hard time digesting the carbohydrates and sugars in whipped cream. It can cause GI upsets, and high sugar is bad for any animal. If you want to give him a treat to encourage him to eat following his ordeal, there are great products on the market like Ferravite, a palatable nutritional suppliment that encourages appetite and help the skin and coat. You can also give a little bit of canned cat food, but mostly stick to a pelleted diet formulated for ferrets.

Now, as for your tom cat, I would simply not allow him to come into contact with your ferrets. If he suceeds, he could harm them. Cats use their teeth for grip when mating. The bacteria in a cat's saliva can cause abcesses and serious infections in ferrets. Your best bet is to keep them apart.
Also, are your ferrets vaccinated? If the cat is an outdoor/indoor cat, he should be kept away from the ferrets unless they are vaccinated for distemper/rabies as he can carry viruses in on his hair-coat and transmit them to the ferrets.

Hope that helped! Please do not hesitate to email me with any other questions you have in the future. :thumbs:
First of all RandomWiktor the mouthwash or my boyfriends medicine was never gave to my ferret intentionally. I love each and everyone of my animals very much and when one of them are sick I take them to vet if I have to go pond my guns or rings. I know better than to give anything to the ferret except for food. The mouthwash was what done it to him said the vet anyway. She gave him heated fluids because his body tempature was five degrees lower than what it should have been. So when I got back home with him I thought it was over for him. Then I thought about sugar making kids hiper so I thought I would try it on the ferret. And I am a firm believer that it worked. I dont mean to sound ungreatful for the advice. But I have been taking care of unwanted animals every since I was a little girl. And believe me it isnt easy with 20 cats and 3 ferrets and 1 cockateil and 1 little pig and 2 degus and 1 dog. Plus 13 fish tanks. One of the fish tanks is a 180 gallon tank which takes up the rest of what little spare time that I do have. and thanks Inchworm for the kind words about my little ferret. I think I know how to take care of all of my animals by now..
No need to get uppity. The way you worded your questions suggested you didn't know much about ferrets (ie. "does anyone here know anything about ferrets, plus the questions asking if mouthwash and allergy medicines could hurt them, and the thing about giving whipped cream). I was simply giving advice - just like you asked, and since you didn't give very much information regarding your current knowledge, I adressed the issue as though you were ignorant of the subject matter to make sure I covered all of my bases. You say you know how to care for your pets by now, yet you didn't know that drinking mouthwash and eating pills could kill him, you thought feeding whipped cream was ok, and you didn't know to keep the tomcat from mounting your ferret; what on earth was I supposed to think based on that? I'm sure your love your animals, but please - don't get so offended by someone trying to offer helpful advice, especially when you requested it and were unclear in the way you asked.

edit: Hm... that all came out as much more b!tchy than I intended. Hopefully you were able to get the just of what I was saying through the random anger.
I wasnt getting uppity as you call it. You made it sound as if I knew nothing about giving them medicine that Humans is supposed to take. They are no one here pro's and you answered this after I told everyone that the ferret was ok. There is no need to make someone feel worse over what happened. And that is all I am going to say. I am not picking a fight or getting bitchie either as you call it.I was asking what to do to help him after he had already gotten in to the stuff. I never said I didnt know anything about ferrets. I was asking what to do.
Hi Angel lady. Glad to hear that your ferret is doing ok.

Though reading through these posts I notice myself that you didn't make it very clear about your knowledge of looking after ferrets.
RandomWiktor as said in one of their posts was giving info for you on the basis that your knowledge was limited as they are not psycic and don't know the full extent of your knowledge.
Also RandomWiktor did not call you bitchy, uppity yes, they said in an edit that their words came out more bitchy than they intended it to be.

Nice to know there are people out there that take in and look after unwanted animals even if it is going to be heavy on finances as I know animals are not cheap to look after.
Hope your ferret continues to make good progress. I love these little critters, can't understand why some people don't.
I just get up set when someone tries to make me look like I am crazy. I come from a place where people are nice and dont look for chances to put people down. I will make sure I make my post a lot clearer so people can fully understand what it is I am asking for help on. The next time althought they wont be a next time with my ferret. I triple checked my bedroom for stuff that the ferrets could get in to and I threw everything away that could even start to hurt my babies. If the cats wasnt so nosey and knock everything out of the cabinets this wouldnt have happen in the first place.
Hi Angel

Am very glad that your ferret is better , sorry you were so upset by the whole thing.It is horrible when one of your little ones is ill and you can't figure out why.

You take care of yourself

Hi Angel!

Glad to hear your baby is OK!

I know how much you love your little babies and I hope none of them ever get ill again!

I have to agree with Angel, I'm afraid, Random, your advice did come out a little rude. Sorry.

Anyway, lets all celebrate the ferret's life and forget about advice!

Puffer :flowers: :beer: :music: :band: :drink: :pepsi: :hooray: :cake:
Seeing as the ferret is recovered - which is wonderful - I'm not really going to argue. However, the reason I had posted intitally - as hopefully was observed from the advice on ferret-proofing, ferratone, etc. - was to ensure this didn't happen again. I didn't do it to make Angel Lady feel badly about something that already happened, and since the nature of the situation was not made clear, I had to put it in terms that an educated ferret owner like A.L. would indeed find insulting, as we have observed. I am going to, at this point, give a respectful nod and bow out, and since Angel Lady was offended regardless of how I feel my advice was given, I will apologize for what was interpreted as rudeness.
Regards, and glad the ferret has pulled through.

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