Does anyone have experience with the


New Member
Mar 6, 2005
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Hi there!

I recently got my 26 gal. tank. It came with a Tetratec PF 150 filter and heater that gets put directly in the filter. Anyways, the water does not seem to be moving up and down inside the filter as the directions say it should. The heater does not seem to be bringing the temp up to the degree it is set (it is set for 78 and two different therms are reading 74 and 76F). Does anyone have experience with this product? Is it just junk or am I just filter challenged? I do like how the filter and heater are all in one - less stuff in the tank. Thanks for the help!
did you check to see if the filter is primed properly? Also check to see if there's anything blocking the water flow, such as some companies put a stickers in some places.
It doesn't look like anything is blocking the intake. I don't understand what you mean by "primed". Please forgive my ignorance - I am very new to this whole thing.
priming a filter means filling it up with water, along with the intake tubes.

if a filter isn't primed, it will not work as efficiently and the engine might overheat and burn

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