Does anyone have any idea what this could be?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2003
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Hi! I know it's hard without a picture but maybe just a general idea would sure help. My mom has this catfish that is aggressive, it ate all her neons. It's very pretty, it actually looks kind of like a clown loach(if my memory is right), it has very vivid big bands of black and white. I want to trade fish with her and give her all my smaller fish but she wants to give me this fish because it will eat them again if left in her tank. Any idea at all would be great and I could look it up, I'm clueless when it comes to catfish. Now, the catfish was originally from my brother who is really into cichlids so are there catfish in the cichlid family? Thanks!! Leah
No catfish are catfish and cichlids are cichlids.

Can you give a few more details?

1 does the fish have long or short whiskers?
2 how big is the fish in length?
2 what is the shape of the head and mouth?
4 are the stripes horizontal or vertical?
5 what are the position of the eyes, ie on the side of the head or higher on the top of the head?
Hi CFC!!! Well, I was completely wrong about my decription, sorry. I was trying to give it from memory, which obviously isnt very good LOL. It's a silver catfish with 2 dull black stripes running along it's body, it also has black dots on it's fins and body. Some of them form lines. It has really long barbels about as long as its body and black dots on its belly. I called my mom to get more details and this is what she described. I found the pictus catfish but I haven't seen any with dull stripes. Is this what it could be? Any other idea of what it may be?

If she takes my smaller fish I will have 2 clown loaches( I would like to get maybe 2 more), 2 platinum gouramis and 2 angelfish. My tank is around a 50 gallon (it's a hex), would the catfish be compatible? Thanks!!! Leah
Sorry, boy I must still be asleep too. The eyes are on the side, the stripes are horizontal, it has more of a cory shaped head not flat or long. It's about 3 inches long. The body is narrow. All of its whiskers are long she said but the barbels are almost the length of the fish. Thanks !!! Hope this helps some!! Leah
Well it certainly sounds like a cat from the pim family but without a picture it would be hard to really say which one, my guess would be pimelodella gracilis due to the small size and description.
Thank you CFC !! Well, I ran up to Petsmart to see what kind they had, that's where she got it but not the same store. I think it may be the pictus. I know it's hard without a picture , I do appreciate your response. Thanks! Leah
hi leah. there is no doubt in my mind that what your mom has is a pimelodus pictus. adult length up to 6-8inches. silver black polka-dots and some stripes, big mouth, big eyes, reputation for eating neons. all web-sites you will find (at least good ones) will say do not mix with neon sized fish. i miyself have 3 and love them. if your mom wants to keep them she has to get rid of the neons and if she wants attractive little fish get danios. i have had success in keeping them with danios. if this is not it..... i am clueless :thumbs:

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