Does Anyone Have A Coldwater Marine Tank?

AJ Tudor

Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
North Yorks
I was just wondering out of interest if anyone here has a coldwater marine tank? I've had one running for around 2 months now and it's really rewarding!
I had one for a short while, I collected sea critters from Cumbria's west coast. :)
I have seen a few really nice ones and have been tempted myself. What are you keeping in yours (and wheres the photos!! :p )?
I have seen a few really nice ones and have been tempted myself. What are you keeping in yours (and wheres the photos!! :p )?

I would love to see some pics of a coldwater set-up :good:

I'll put some pics up soon then, wasn't sure if anyone would be very interested if it wasn't warm water! Up until recently I had 4 hermit crabs, 2 shannys and half a dozen or so anemones. I had a pretty awful tank crash though brought on by a boisterous shanny while I was on holiday, I've now been reduced to just the one hermit and the shannys are going to have to go back when the tides allow me to acclimatise them to the rock pools I found them at, not a perfect situation and I'm pretty mad at myself for letting it happen. On a slightly happier note my seaweed's thriving, the anemones couldn't be happier and I actually witnessed one of them 'giving birth'. I have a few chitins and limpets that managed to hitch into the tank on some rocks I brought from the shore. I've made a solid decision now to keep it invertebrate only and I think it's definately for the best :)

I had a local tidepool setup with kelp and eel grass that I kept some local blennies and gobies in over the summer, good times
the blennies were the best as theyed chase each other throuhg the eel grass
but you can find lots out on nano
Okay I've put a couple of piccies up in the photo forum, they'll be more to come if anyone's interested... :)
Cool pics (more are needed though :) ).

I really like coldwater marine setups. Would be interested to know how you want about setting yours up, what equipment you are using, etc.
After looking at your pictures, I'm wondering if I have the same speices of hermit as you've got or at least a close relative, long-armed hermits (Pagurus longicarpus)? I've got a couple snail species (some eastern mud snails and another whelk species) in addition to the hermits in an unheated tank that I set up for local fauna from the New England area. It's been a pretty interesting pico tank so far. I am envious of your beadlet anemones, since those don't seem to be over here.

This is a high cost setup. The price for such a tank is lower, though comparable, to a similiar sized reef tank on the equipment side. You save a lot on the livestock side. Still, it depends on how you count. Waders, free diving equipment and transportation aren't free. But think about the fun and health aspect of getting into nature. It adds a completely new dimension to the hobby. I would never dream of keeping a tropical tank. I have always only kept native plants and animals. Not being able to access all parts the biotope I am trying to recreate is not an option for me.

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