Does Anybody Know What An "ipb Image" Is?


Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
Durham, England
I am trying to post pictures and for the first time I have come across a problem.

When I try to post 1-2 specific images out of about 5, I get a little box saying "IPB Image" whilst the other 3 pics work. What is causing the pics to not work? and how can I fix it?

Any help at all will be appreciated!
If you don't see your picture, then the link to your image is wrong/broken. Check the location of your image; view it, and copy the URL of it.
IPB is "InVision Power Board" it is the software that runs the forums here. When you see that little box, it is akin to the IPB system throwing up it's hands and saying "I know there should be a picture here but I don't know how to put it there", kind of thing. You get the same error often when pictures hosted at other sites get deleted or renamed some time later, and the poster has forgotten to update the link.

The problem you are having is, as I said in the thread, that the files on the hosting server have + characters in their names, which the IPB software does not like, it translates them to URL encoded spaces, (%20). I didn't know it did that until I tried it for you earlier, live and learn.

I suspect simply changing the filenames on the server to use a space instead of a + will make them appear, (remember to refresh your browser cache if you have/use one).
oh, thanks for your help i wil change da name bcoz i think that you are righ.
I do hav a + in the name of the pics

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