Does any one have?


New Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone else had a bumblebee catfish?

I have got one and i never see him, i've seen him twice in the whole time i have had him (about 6 months)

Are they all this shy?

I currently keep two speices; Pseudomystus siamensis and Microglanis iheringi. I also know of Batrochoglanis raninus, Pseudopimelodus bufonis, Pseudomystus aff. leiacanthus and Microsynodontis batesii which species are you talking about?

Both of my fish often go for months without being seen as they are strictly nocturnal like alot of Catfish.
I have 2 Asian Bumble Bee cats. 1 of which can usually be found with 1 of my BGK's. Usually he is only seen at night but does come out occasionally during the day for a feed. The other 1 hides in a stump that I have and can be seen quite readily as it is sheltered and dark. The stump itself is around 1ft wide (at the widest span of it's roots), about 1ft high and a circumferance of around 15cm. The top part looks as if it originally broke at an angle, ripping out a fair bit of the centre leaving nooks and crannies. I have a large Amazon sword that is at the bottom in the centre and it's roots have grown into and out around the centre of the log. It is mostly within this space and generally easily seen however it does come out during the day for feeding at various stages as does the other one but sticks to areas where there is places for it to hide if spooked. Having plants that seem thick but can be viewed through placed around these areas, or at the front of the tank seem to help as they feel safer and more comfortable within these environs, therefore more likely to come out during the day and be seen. At 1 stage I had another log in the tank close to 1 of the sides. Of an afternoon I used to come home and check the tank out from the side, everyday the 1 that hid within used to poke his head out for an afternoon gidday and happily swim around, almost prancing in front of me, he'd sit there for about 5 mins, then when I fed the tank he'd come out for a feed and go back to his log. Unfortunately I took that log out and isn't so game to come out like that any more. Hope this helps.

Urm im not sure at all??? when i bought him i was told that he was a bumblebee catfish and thats all i know. I have no idea what those fish you were talking about are???

It looks like ill have to do a bit of research.

Thanks for your help.

I'll let you know what type of breed my catfish is when i find out myself.

Emz :D
Just been onto that website and discovered that it is in fact an Asian Bumblebee Catfish (pseudomystus Siamensis)

So that brings me back to my earlier question of does anyone else have one? and are they all this shy? and a new question, do they eat smaller fish? because over the last 6 months i have lost a guppy and 2 neon's, they just vanished out of the tank, i looked every where for them but there arent even any reamains???

If he is eating them (i really hope not) what can i do? can i feed him anything extra so he wont want to eat his little friends?

The people that sell these fish should really know what they are talking about before they sell you the fish, i didnt even know what sort of fish this was let alone that it might eat smaller fish.

Thanks for the website

This cat's temperament is peaceful/aggressive, meaning it CAN become aggressive. Yes, it will eat smaller tank-mates. Can you feed extra to prevent fish deaths? You can try, but no garantees . . . I would say he'll probably still eat your other fish. Only thing you can do to ensure it not eating your other fish . . . is to keep it with fish that are too big to eat. :/
I would look at the Catfish for the lost fish I am afraid. They will eat anything that fits in their mouth when feeding nocturnally. One downside to alot of Catfish is that their activity during day light hours is often limited or non excistant, so don't be worried if the fish is hiding during the day.

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