Does Ancistrus need wood?


Fish Gatherer
Sep 27, 2003
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So far, I never had to worry about this since I have a good sized driftwood in my tank that contains 4 of them.

Now I want to move one of them into a cichlid tank which has nothing but rocks and sands. Do I need to add (a small) piece of wood just for her or can she survive without eating wood? I know some pl*cos require wood in their digestive system, but I could never figure out the truth about these bristlenose pl*cos.

Thanks! :D
hi. I can't answer your question sorry. But I have a question for you if that's alright?????
I've got two plecos which I think are bristlenoses, but they've got no bristles. i read that the females are like this.
Is your pleco definately a female??? you've written "her" and "she." If she is, how do you know????
If you don't mind answering this, I'd really appreciate it cause i"ve been trying to find out what my plecos are for months!
I don't know for sure, but I would say yes. Even if it doesn't need to eat it, my bristlenose spends most of its time on my wood and all of its time there during the day. I think it would feel more comfortable with wood because it is more like its natural habitat.

However, I am only guessing, rocks may be fine. :dunno:
Members of the Ancistrus family do not require wood in their diet to survive and will happily feed of algea growing on rocks.
Thanks for the confirmation! :D

sushi, to answer your question - how old are your bristlenoses? Mine are about 1 year old, and the only male developed bristles since about 3 months ago. Now he features quite extensive quantity of bristles. I just don't see how others would remain bristle-less if they are indeed males.

Also, I see absolutely no aggression between the 3 "females". Probably not the best indicator but one step closer to confirming their sex... :D

I know I have at least one female, since I have fries in this tank...

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