does a breeing tank need a light?

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crazy betta lady 0.o
Mar 18, 2005
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fort worth texas
i know it needs a filter and a what not... does it need a light too???... cause i cant get a light for like... 2 weeks and all i have is a tiny lamp for a 1G

another thing... i know they reccomend breeding in a 10G but i have heard people do it in 2.5Gs and 5Gs ... so can i use my 2.5G cause that way i have a filter and a light and all that jazz for it!
Um....dojo? Please don't try and breed in anything less than a 10 gal. I think that you can maybe use the lamp for your 10 gal, but try to keep the vents int the room closed and the lights on durning the day. I know it's gonna get horrid hot in there...but it'll help their lungs develop better.

A 2.5 gallon will get too polluted too quickly and kill/maim your fry.
here is the funny thing about that... you CAN breed in a 2.5G and it woke become to polluted :p i take very VERY good care of my fish! i have a tiny box filter with a stocking over it! so i have it all down!
Just use a 10. Trust me. A 10 can get filthy enough fast enough, and Betta fry are so delicate that they'll die at the slightest hint of bad water.

Also, filters will ruin a nest and suck up fry. Both are very bad things. No filter.

Doesn't need a light, but it doesn't really hurt to have one.

They do need an enclosed top, to keep the moisture in and help their swim bladder develop. This is needed until all fry have developed labyrinths.
Kiarra said:
Also, filters will ruin a nest and suck up fry. Both are very bad things. No filter.
Sponge filters connected to a gang-valve work very well, that way the air-flow can be turned down so the bubble-nest doesn't get broken apart. Then after the fry are free-swimming and you raise the water level in the tank, you can turn up the air-flow again.

I definately advise going with a 10-gallon. Water parameters are MUCH easier to regulate that way. I don't think you necessarily need a typical strip-light ... but perhaps a bright lamp or something nearby would be handy!
when i do this im gonna do what i did with my mollies, im gonna change the water every other day and be very VERY careful what i do and be careful about the temp :) thanks for concern but i think i know what im doing i read-up alot on everything i could find in breeding bettas
Betta fry need their water changed EVERY day, and not at all before the first week. Which is why you need a 10 it doesn't get gunky during the first week.
Yep, Kiarra is right.
Do you have live food cultures ready for the fry, dojo?
daudy_dojo said:
course i do :D BBS freshly hatching and i have some microwormies on the way hehe :D
Good deal! Sounds like you've planned well for this :)
uh huh and for 2 1/2 weeks i fed nothing BUT protien rich flakes, blood worms and BBS hehe :S im ready for them... i also have like 300 1G tanks :-D and some divided up 2.5Gs and a divided up 5G :-D IM READY IM READY IM READY EDDY EDDY!!!
Despite the fact that you're adamant that you know everything there is to know, maybe you should take the advice of people who are actually experienced with breeding bettas? Why ask for advice in the first place if you're not going to take it?
no need to be rude buddy :( and hurt my feelings jeez I SAID THANKS OK?!?!?!

no body asked you anyways :p

PLUS i never said i wasnt going to take it so get over it!! and i know plenty of people who can have succesful breedings in small tanks but nothin under 2.5G the smalles reccomended is a 5G but w/e they are my bettas not yours!
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