Dodgy Connection


Jun 16, 2007
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a few days ago, my other half when on the net, and as soon as he got into our server page (AOL) there was a box saying aol needed to upgrade and to press this button. - he did and the computer restarted. as soons as the computer started, norton detected a new server, which made us very suspicious. now we have this dial bb box everytime when the computer is on. even if you cancel it, the box will return about 10 times. been trying to contact aol and they are ALWAYS busy with other callers. can't contact them on the net as the site is being upgrade, so everypage we try to open with aol, it will upload a blank page. has any one have this problem or do you think is a scam? i've heard that some company will pretend to be someone else and trick you into connect your computer into another dial up and then charge you hundreds of pounds per minute while you are on the net. i've through that bb might be broadband, but it could mean something else could't it. help. oh and every time when i try to go into the msn music store, it does'nt let me and will will close aol too.
I dont know if this will work, but what you can try is, system restore, if you restore your pc to a time before this happend, it may sort the problem out :)

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