Do Your Fish Keep Dying

no my fish are fine.

However how soluble is nitrogen gas (N2) in water at a temprature of 26 degres C?
no my fish are fine.

However how soluble is nitrogen gas (N2) in water at a temprature of 26 degres C?
Ha Ha...good one mate....guess he doesn't know :lol:
aww cut him a break he might not know about forums and how they work! he is only tryin to be nice!
but ye can u answer ian's question? :fun:
Greg :good:
aww cut him a break he might not know about forums and how they work! he is only tryin to be nice!
but ye can u answer ian's question? :fun:
Greg :good:
Hey lets keep it fun....ok :hey: Oh yes and This amounts to about 0.0026 mol of N2 per liter of water or 0.073 g/L. according to Henrys law ;)
Sorry mate, feeling guilty now...and beginning to think Santa might not come if we don't play nicely. We didn't mean to take the ****, at least only ever so slightly.

It is better and more common on these forums to post about a specific subject, and to help by answering other poster's questions. Offering to answer questions on every subject under the sun might be a bit much, particularly as some people on the forum are invariably going to be more experienced/better qualified- just as some are going to be less so. For the general query "are your fish dying" we already have excellent pinned topics explaining subjects such as cycling a tank.
people are giving him "s***" for it but it actually would help a newbie who is scared to post there own thread or can't to post here....It's easier to know that if you post here that someone wants to help I guess...
my fish is dead, can you cure it?
My pleco is floating, He is still breathing, Its as if he cant tell top from bottom and keeps banging into sides. Is he dying? What should i do with him, shall i take him out of tank? Please HELP!

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