Do your clown loaches...


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2005
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hellos... i think i have a problem with my clowns, i see them chewing around on all of my plants, and slowly my plants are disapeering, im not sure if they are the ones eating them.. does anyone else have the same problem?
Mine bite holes in the sword plants and lily leaves. They only do it to the ones in their half of the tank where their tunnels are so i know its them doing it. The only other culprits could be my bristle nose plecs but they spend more time on the glass and wood than on the plants. Another thing clowns are good at is digging plants up.

Some plants are tastier than others and quickly dissapeared in my tank. One thing they haven't touched are the java ferns but these are growing on wood and so aren't on the bottom. They are also supposed to be one of the toughest plants that most fish won't eat.

Java fern is also supposed to have an unpleasant bitter taste- though I cannot claim to be speaking from personal experience here.
I have had 3 clown loaches for a year now, the only plant that I have been able to keep in the gravel and not been eaten is Vallis.

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