Do you see any problems with this?


New Member
Apr 25, 2004
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I've only kept African Cichlids for the last few years. I'm planning to set up a new tank and have settled on the following combination of fish. Does anyone see a problem with the following mixture?

3 - Powder Blue Gourami
3 - Neon Rainbowfish
5 - Silver Dollars
8 - Tiger Barbs
Maybe 1 - Angel (haven't settled on the type)

This will be a 55 gallon tank, with pool filtersand substrait, Fluval 404 and probably an aquaclear powerhead with a filter attachment. (That should be plenty of filtration.)

I understand that Silver Dollars are plant eaters/destroyers. Has anyone been able to successfully keep plants with SDs? Are there any types of plants that they will tend to stay away from? :dunno:

Also, I'm a little concerned about the Tiger Barbs. :look: I've had Tiger Barbs before a long time ago but it was before the days of the Internet and before I had a clue. I made the mistake of only having 3 of them and one of them was a serial-killer-Barb :blink: who nipped the fins off of every other fish in the tank - even killed the other 2 barbs. It was really weird - more destructive than any Cichlid I ever had. So I'm a little wary. I've read that Tiger Barbs will be fine if kept in larger groups. I assume 8 is large enough.


Ur tiger barbs will be fine in a group of 6, 3 or 8 and ur tank will be bug enuf for them to swim around and stay out of eachothers way. i duno bout silver dollars which ive kept with plants and none have been destroyed
Sounds good. Gold barbs are a little less aggressive but aren't as nice looking imo.
based on the responses I got from my tiger/angel thread you don't want to mix them together. Think maybe cherry barbs or something else.
I wouldnt put tigers with angels, but the rest sound good. Dont know about sd's though.

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