Do You Need Some Chemicals


Sep 21, 2005
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My wife works in the chemical industry & as such she can get lab grade chemicals at discount prices & if interested we can the supply these too other fellow aquarists (at a discount too :D )

KNO3 - Potassium nitrate - will provide N and K £4/500g
KH2PO4 - Potassium Phosphate - will provide P and K £6/500g
K2SO4 - Potassium sulphate - will provide K £4/500g

These are the prices she could offer however they don't come packed in tub but sealed plastic bags.

Also if their are any others you need let me know & I will see what she can do, they have hundreds to choose from......

This is just a survey at the moment to gauge interest, these would be sold on ebay at this price if interested.

p.s. Did you know KNO3 is used in exposive production!!!!!!!!
Too bad youre across the pond! I wanna try EI but being jobless I can't afford it...I CAN afford that tho!

IN the US try Greg watson's site []. Very good prices (about 1/20 of what I was paying for the flourish line) and I've heard good things, though haven't personally tried him yet.

I've ordered from Very satisfied. his prices are great, and he's very quick to e-mail back and get your shipment sent out to you. Haven't heard a bad word said against the guy.
can you get me some thermite?

Yes, I am jokeing :p

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